Editor's Note

Breaking and Entering

MOST security professionals are well aware of the Discovery channel's "It Takes a Thief." Bad guys turned good citizens stake out a home, break in, steal what they can and trash the place. Though the family is a willing participant in the exercise, when and how the intruders get in is totally a surprise.

The television program is designed to point out that most residences aren't as secure as they seem to think.

I've recently re-evaluated my own home.

There are many things you and I can do to make our homes safer and more secure, including making sure that you have adequate locks -- use of a dead bolt -- and secure sliding doors with a bar or rod placed in the door track.

Upon returning from Washington, D.C., in mid November, I listened to a story that was just as eye-opening as the home invasions on "It Takes a Thief."

Marshall Hayes isn't your typical Dallas homeowner. His home was burglarized, and the thief got away with plenty of Hayes' property. Vowing to not let that happen again, Hayes installed a home security system and linked it to the Web, allowing him to be alerted if motion is detected. The next week, Hayes was notified while at work that there was motion in his home. Sure enough, the cameras caught a thief in action.

Hayes spotted the thief digging through his personal belongs at home while he was at work. In the living room was a man with a hooded sweatshirt sorting through drawers, stealing leftover jewelry.

First of all, Hayes couldn't believe what he saw. Helpless, and watching the crime from his office cubicle, Hayes could only call police. He dialed 911, but police arrived a few minutes too late. Video of the break in has been placed on YouTube; Hayes is hopeful that someone notices the man, who is still on the loose.

"He's got to have one friend out there who doesn't like him," Hayes said.

There are many things you and I can do to make our homes safer and more secure, including making sure that you have adequate locks -- use of a dead bolt -- and secure sliding doors with a bar or rod placed in the door track. Always close and lock your windows before leaving your home.

One of the easiest things homeowners can do is to leave valuable out of sight. A thief will peer through a window to see if there is a cache worth breaking into the place. If there is nothing to see, there may not be anything to steal. Do not leave keys in locks, even if you are home. And, it goes without saying, but make sure all ground and basement windows are fitted with locks.

One of the best things to do to discourage burglars is light up the house. This gives burglars the impression that the home is occupied, and it's a good idea to use landscape lighting outside and around the house.

With the holidays barely in our rear-view mirrors, here are a few tips that should be remembered if you plan to be away from home. Use timers to turn on/off lights, televisions and sound systems. Never leave a message on your answering machine that indicates that you are not at home. Never let mail, newspapers or flyers pile up around the house, and leave your curtains slightly parted so your house does not have an empty look.

Outside and around the home, never leave keys under doormats or inside a planter. Make sure your garage door is secure, especially if there is an adjoining door into your house. Make sure your garden gates are closed and locked, and put away garden tools so they can't be used to break into the house.

For safety's sake, do not let strangers into your home. Install peepholes so you can identify visitors before opening the front door. Be sure to ask for identification from all service representatives. Do be bashful about this one, after all, it's your home. If you weren't expecting any service calls, verify that person's identity by calling their company before you let them in the house.

Let's face it, our home and our possessions represent a lifetime of financial and emotional investments. With the exception of work, people spend more time at home than anywhere else, so the prevention of crimes at home is critical. Four of the best principles of residential security are deter, delay, deny and detect.

If a burglar thinks the risk is too high, he may deter and move along. If it takes too long to force open a window or door, a burglar senses a delay. If there is a delay of four minutes that is generally sufficient to prevent entry, and locks are the best used for of that method. Deny access to everything of value. This is done by marking property, keeping inventories and locking valuable jewels in safes or security boxes. Detection involves the use of electronic and biologic alarms, and one of the best programs is a neighborhood watch. Dogs are a good example of biologic alarms.

Who are these offenders of residential crimes? According to the Canton, Ohio, police department, most are young. In 1986; 12.5 percent of burglary arrests were persons below the age of 15. The age group of 12 to 19 made up 37.3 percent of the burglary arrests, followed by 21.4 percent of persons aged 20-24, and 13.4 percent for those 25 to 29. Only 15.4 percent of burglary arrests were for persons 30 years and older.

Most burglars enter a resident through a door, many of them being unlocked. The second choice is through a convenient window, primarily at ground level. Even worse, many times the burglar gains entrance by finding the hidden key, and that is why a burglar must be deterred, delayed, denied or detected.

Consider posting warning signs such as neighborhood watch or alarm systems, erect a fence or a gate on business property, create border barriers such as landscape timbers, rocks and stone that would make it more difficult for vandals to rip up or drive over lawns or flower beds. Install exterior lighting because it is one of the most effective deterrents of criminal activity and it increases the chances of the perpetrator being observed. Exterior doorways should be well lit, solid and substantial.

It's always better to be safe than sorry. Take a look around your home and make sure your yard is clean and presentable, the exterior does not show the need for repair, and landscape lighting is a must. Rather than hoping the bad guys will turn good, which isn?t likely, do the right things to turn the bad guys away.

This article originally appeared in the January 2007 issue of Security Products, pg. 6.


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