Sagem Morpho, BIO-key Announce Biometric Partnership Agreement
Sagem Morpho Inc. and BIO-key International Inc. recently announced a technology partnership that combines the strengths of both companies to create high-performance biometric matching technology.
Under this partnership arrangement, Sagem Morpho has invested in licensing of BIO-key technology to create the accurate, scalable and responsive fingerprint identification solutions.
“As the industry leader, Sagem Morpho has been researching global scale biometric systems of hundreds of millions, up to a billion records and very fast, high volume transactions,” said Bernard Gautier, President and CEO of Sagem Morpho. “Fusing our respective algorithms will result in industry-changing performance improvements. We believe our partnership with BIO-key creates the right technology combination to increase the accuracy, speed and reliability necessary for massive system expansion. The timing of this partnership is superb, as our global clients’ system and application requirements are rapidly growing. We have anticipated this and are ready to meet our customer’s needs in this exciting and important area.”
Technical and scientific teams from both companies are working to optimize the fusion of core technology in a unique way that will result in greater performance benefits and value for clients. By using the Sagem Morpho/BIO-key advanced biometric offering, integrators can design better, faster, and more cost-effective biometric applications for government, civil and commercial clients around the globe.
“Having been involved in many large-scale international ID programs, BIO-key has demonstrated that our technology has the robustness and reliability required for programs with very large data sets” said Mike DePasquale, BIO-key’s president and CEO. “Our partnership with Sagem Morpho will expand our market reach and capability and will also improve our partner’s global competiveness. Combining Sagem Morpho’s world class AFIS capability and BIO-key’s single and multi finger matching software results in a major technology inflection in the market for highly scalable, ultra high-performance systems.”