HID Global Opens New World Headquarters and North American Operations Center in Austin Texas

HID Global Opens New World Headquarters and North American Operations Center in Austin Texas

HID Global Opens New World Headquarters and North American Operations Center in Austin TexasHID Global announced the opening of its new World Headquarters and North American Operations Center in Austin, Texas. HID Global has initiated its first phase of operations at the state-of-the-art facility ahead of schedule and expects it to be fully operational by Q3 2015. It features 250,000 square feet of manufacturing, office and warehouse space on 22 acres in North Austin’s Tech Ridge area.

The plans for the new campus were announced in May 2012, with almost 400 employees expected to be at work in the new facility by 2015. HID Global’s new World Headquarters and North American Operations Center will include the consolidation of the company’s corporate functions, manufacturing, assembly and test operations, distribution, and sales operations. 

“HID’s decision to move their worldwide headquarters to Texas is proof positive that our focus on low taxes, smart regulations, fair courts and a skilled workforce helps create jobs and strengthen our economy,” Texas Gov. Rick Perry said. “I’m pleased HID has chosen to call Texas home and look forward to their continued success in the Lone Star State.”

“Our North American operations consolidation, as well as the relocation of our Corporate Headquarters to Austin, TX, is an exciting development for HID Global,” said Denis Hébert, president and CEO of HID Global. “Texas is an ideal location for our new state-of-the-art, sustainable facility, and will provide us an excellent platform for scaling our global operations to support the expansion of our leadership position in secure identity solutions.”

HID Global Opens New World Headquarters and North American Operations Center in Austin TexasHID Global’s new World Headquarters will be the company’s largest facility worldwide, and has been designed to support future expansion.  It will also house offices for regional management, customer service, engineering, purchasing, and quality functions. Hiring is underway, with more than 300 new positions to be filled over the next two years.

Construction Partners

Harvey Cleary Builders - a commercial general contractor headquartered in Houston, Texas;

Live Oak-Gottesman - Austin commercial real estate developer;

Studio 8 Architects - Austin-based; responsible for the facility’s design;

Bury, Endeavor Real Estate Group LLC - engineering consulting and design service partners; and

Carrillo Dean Landscape Architecture (CDLA) - engineering consulting and design service partners.


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