A Tweeter Invades College Coach's Privacy
- By Ginger Hill
- Jan 08, 2015
It’s known as many things - house, humble abode, home, place of residence, sanctuary - with one commonality between them all…privacy. People rely on their homes for ultimate privacy, so when a college football coach saw his privacy “thrown out the window,” or better for this situation, drown in his pool, this is what he did.
Texas A&M coach Kevin Sumlin was having a phone conversation, apparently walking in the proximity of his swimming pool, when the following Tweet went out to the entire world: 
From the looks of the Tweet, someone overheard Sumlin’s phone call and felt it was “tweet worthy;” Sumlin, however, didn’t feel that way as he fired that “someone” via a Retweet.
The culprit? Rustin McFarland, an A&M student the coach hired to clean his pool.
“We try to teach lessons to young people,” Sumlin said. “Obviously everybody wanted to know who we [A&M] were going to hire as a D coordinator, and I was on the phone with John Chavis at the time and McFarland’s looking through the pool and I’m coming out of the car and he’s still standing around, looking.
(For those who don’t know, Chavis was hired away from LSU by A&M, so Sumlin’s phone conversation was probably on the “hush-hush” at the time.)
I guess you could say that Coach Sumlin got the last “chirp” by firing the student.
“Think before you tweet,” advised Sumlin.
About the Author
Ginger Hill is Group Social Media Manager.