Security threats are on the rise and as IT security teams increase their scrutiny of all network-connected devices, it’s time for some new thinking about the design and maintenance of building security systems.
- By John Szczygiel
- Feb 01, 2017
A hacker just wants President Trump to change his security settings on Twitter.
Washington D.C. Police along with Secret Service and the FBI have been working to secure the Presidential Inauguration for over a year.
President-Elect chooses Rudy Giuliani to hold private industry meetings on cybersecurity.
Maybe it’s time for a different (and maybe more affordably efficient) approach.
- By Mike McCamon
- Jan 11, 2017
While these topics may seem somewhat disparate, there is actually a common thread among them: They all have security officers and end users concerned.
- By Dean Wiech
- Jan 06, 2017
Security firm LogRhythm has predicted the internet will shut down for 24 hours in 2017 due to a massive DDoS attack.
The annual Consumer Electronics Show had many security companies showing off their latest innovations.
Vehicle attacks, hacks and police ambushes make the list of top physical security events of 2016.
Most products like firewalls, anti-spam, and network intrusion devices are designed to keep hackers on the outside from getting in, but that outward approach does not address an equally dangerous situation: the insider threat.
- By Isaac Kohen
- Dec 28, 2016
There is a growing belief that 2017 will be a decisive year in the battle over encryption that has been quietly raging for over 25 years.
- By Mike Salas
- Dec 27, 2016
Yahoo said 1 billion accounts were affected in the 2013 hack.
Quest Diagnostics' mobile application was hacked leaving the health information of about 34,000 people vulnerable.
Several routers, including those in the popular “Nighthawk” series, are affected.
Exploring basic best practices for securing documents on your computer and smartphone
- By Cole Armstrong
- Dec 13, 2016
Facebook, YouTube, Twitter and Microsoft are collaborating to crackdown on terrorist content on their platforms.
Close the door on Locky ransomware infection via Facebook
- By David Biser
- Dec 02, 2016
Leveraging artificial intelligence and machine learning allows organizations to enjoy real time protection and risk identification, significantly reducing security risks without the need to increase staff.
- By Santosh Varughese
- Sep 23, 2016
A U.S. House committee issued a scathing report accusing Snowden of causing damage to U.S. security.
The top iPhone features that guard your privacy and security.