By April, the county police department will outfit nearly 700 officers with cameras. But the city’s department of 1,300 does not have a parallel program in the works.
- By Haley Samsel
- Aug 12, 2019
Deploying automated decoys can help protect your network and reduce IT costs.
- By Gilad David Maayan
- Aug 12, 2019
More companies are rethinking their active shooter training programs and evaluating the financial risk of shootings at their locations.
- By Haley Samsel
- Aug 09, 2019
Fair organizers in New York, Los Angeles and Wisconsin are responding to safety concerns with assurances that their events are well-protected.
- By Haley Samsel
- Aug 09, 2019
Promising to prevent a re-occurrence is not nearly enough to repair the damage with clients.
- By Bud Broomhead
- Aug 08, 2019
MOBOTIX is first manufacturer in Europe to obtain the French “CNPP certified” product certification for its cameras.
The state-sponsored hackers, best known as Fancy Bear, attempted to compromise popular IoT devices like office printers and a VOIP phone.
- By Haley Samsel
- Aug 08, 2019
Connecting devices to a 0G network is a simple fix to seemingly insurmountable challenges.
A Homeland Security agency and the FBI’s El Paso office are cautioning Americans to watch out for malicious "charity" emails and phone call scams.
- By Haley Samsel
- Aug 07, 2019
Experts believe Cisco’s payout to a whistleblower could set a precedent for future lawsuits against vendors who sell products with security vulnerabilities.
- By Haley Samsel
- Aug 06, 2019