Problems at a downtown apartment building leads to discussions on hiring retired officers to keep the peace.
- By Sydny Shepard
- Feb 04, 2019
The way that smart cards are issued has changed dramatically in the last several years with the advent of cloud-based systems that enable the entire process to be managed and executed remotely, and with printer/encoder breakthroughs that significantly boost throughput, reliability and energy efficiency.
- By Robin Tandon
- Feb 01, 2019
Microwave sensors, also known as Radar, RF or Doppler sensors, detect walking, running or crawling human targets in outdoor environments.
- By Courtney Dillon Pedersen
- Feb 01, 2019
The government commands a lot of information in data centers, local municipalities, homeland security, health, and every touch that governments have with private citizens and companies. The data can be classified, private and public-facing as in forms.
- By Carrie Goetz
- Feb 01, 2019
The Internet of Things (IoT) promises greater connectivity, which, when properly leveraged, can provide invaluable insight into our organizations and our operational environments. In the security sector, increased connectivity between sensors and systems gives us access to more data than we thought possible even just a few years ago.
- By Jimmy Palatsoukas
- Feb 01, 2019
As with any high-profile entertainment complex that draws more than one million visitors every year, the stadium faces complex and constantly evolving security challenges.
- By John Burke
- Feb 01, 2019
There’s enormous opportunity for all enterprises in the cloud, and those in the middle market are taking note.
- By Andreas Pettersson
- Feb 01, 2019
Originally designed as consumer devices, smartphones have become vital elements of both our personal and professional lives. Unfortunately, as sources and repositories of our most sensitive data, smartphones have quickly become a primary attack surface for hackers, cybercriminals and foreign spies.
College and university campuses aren’t immune from the same types of crime, such as burglary and assault, found in any small city where thousands of people live and work closely together. Yet overall, campuses remain a mostly safe place for young adults to learn and mature.
- By Paul Hefty
- Feb 01, 2019
When Paramount Studios, the longest operating and only remaining studio in Hollywood, wanted a preventative solution that would protect tourists and talent from car attacks, they contacted Perimeter Security Group, an integrator that has become one of the leading providers of perimeter security systems in the country.