North American Video (NAV) has been awarded a long term contract to service all camera, access control, alarm and e-phone systems for Colorado’s Regional Transportation District (RTD) Light Rail system.
Panda Security's anti-malware laboratory, today published its Quarterly Report for Q2, analyzing the IT security events and incidents from April through June 2011.
Despite the 2008-2009 economic setbacks, the RFID market rebounded in 2010, growing slightly more than 14 percent to reach roughly $5.3 billion.
Which U.S. metro region is most likely to come out of the next recession, natural disaster or other regional “shock” relatively unscathed? Rochester, Minn. A little more battered might be College Station-Bryan, Texas.
The ClearBOX 100 is a secure and powerful "IT in a box" solution that replaces an entire rack of separate server, network & gateway equipment saving money and simplifying IT management.
Samsung Telecommunications America (Samsung Mobile), a mobile phone provider, recently announced Nexus S is aboard NASA’s final space shuttle.
No matter how many plastic cards currently crowd your wallet, one day you may wish to make room for one more.
In today's world, cellular phones, Global Positioning System (GPS), WiFi, and Bluetooth are the digital signals that connect us to friends, family, and colleagues while helping us find our location and map our routes.
Secretary of Homeland Security Janet Napolitano recently joined National Drug Control Policy Director Gil Kerlikowske, U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) Commissioner Alan Bersin, DHS Office of Counternarcotics Enforcement Director Grayling Williams, and other public health and safety officials to release the 2011 National Southwest Border Counternarcotics Strategy—a key component of the Obama Administration’s unprecedented efforts to enhance security along the Southwest border.
The Electronic Security Association's (ESA) Government Relations Department is requesting Congress include amendments to H.R. 1792 and S. 1035, the Fire Sprinkler Incentive Act of 2011 that would provide a balanced approach of Fire Suppression + Detection = Fire Protection.