Milestone Systems Launches Milestone Marketplace

The global video management industry is seeing innovation like never before, creating new opportunities that transform the way video management technology is used - not only to protect people and assets, but also to help optimize business and improve the way people live and work. Milestone Systems’ open platform makes these innovations easily available to buyers - integrators, consultants and end-customers - enabling the industry to build intelligent solutions together and expand their reach.

Milestone Marketplace enables the Milestone Technology Partners to market their applications, hardware or services effectively. With Milestone Marketplace, they get global reach, are exposed to the existing base of more than 150,000 customer installations and can easily connect with Milestone System’s worldwide network of thousands of partners. Integration partners, consultants and end-customers get an overview of the vast number of applications, hardware and services verified to work with Milestone XProtect.

Milestone Marketplace is a centralized knowledge hub for the industry, including installation guides, demos, and other relevant documentation that have never before been available to the industry in one place.

“With Milestone Marketplace, we open up the innovation power of our community of buyers and sellers. Milestone Marketplace enables our technology partners to grow their businesses through the global Milestone Systems community. At the same time, Milestone Marketplace helps simplify complex choices for our system integrators and end-customers, who gets access to a rich and trustworthy resources pool from which they can build video management solutions,” says CMSO Kenneth Hune Petersen, Milestone Systems.

Milestone Marketplace will expand with new areas in the years to come.

New Technology Partner Program to accelerate co-innovation

To join Milestone Marketplace, technology partners need to be part of Milestone Systems’ new Technology Partner Program – a program that offers applications, hardware and services that complement and extend the Milestone XProtect video management platform. The program empowers system integrators to design and deliver innovative video-enabled solutions to end-customers, and helps partners explore the full potential and opportunities of video management technology. With the Technology Partner Program, Milestone Systems wants to leverage the full potential of its partner community by enabling technology partners to market verified technology offerings together with the global network of installers and their customers.

“With the introduction of the new Technology Partner Program, we want to stimulate and drive co-innovation, allowing partners to explore technology synergies with the open XProtect video management platform. This allows Technology Partners to build joint technology offerings that address specific industry or functional needs utilizing the core video capabilities of the XProtect video management platform. The new program also enables partners to benefit from a wide range of marketing resources and activities, including promotion through Milestone Marketplace,” says Kenneth Hune Petersen.


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