Lauren Innovations Becomes Founding Partner of National Sports Security Center
NaviGate by Lauren Innovations, a Web-based critical information system for safety and security purposes has become a founding partner of The National Center for Spectator Sports Safety and Security (NCS
4) at The University of Southern Mississippi.
With its state-of-the-art technology, NaviGate will now serve as the backbone of a new Web portal NCS
4 plans to unveil in August.
“We will now have the emerging technological capabilities to deliver services to the sports safety and security industry,” said Dr. Lou Marciani, NCS
4 director. “We are fortunate to have a partner like Lauren Innovations who are on the cutting edge of information-sharing.”
In becoming a founding partner in NCS
4, Lauren Innovations has made a dedicated commitment to the organization and its mission to continually provide techniques to mitigate the security risks inherent in spectator sports venues, in the fields of research, technology, education, training, service and scholarship.
The use of NaviGate will enable NCS
4 to deliver a host of services to its constituents with the highest level of security and access control available. Professionals visiting the portal will be able to access a potentially endless array of resources, including documents, articles, policies and procedures, templates, white papers, best practices and video files.
In addition, users will have access to a library of educational materials, courses and training resources all provided and managed by the NCS
4 team. Finally, members visiting the portal will have the opportunity to participate in secure forums, blogs and chats controlled and supported by NCS4.
“We were initially drawn to NCS
4 as an innovative leader in a very important safety and security market,” said Lauren Innovations President Dr. Bennet Fierman. “As we learned about the mission, vision, values and goals of the organization, it became apparent that a strategic alliance would be extremely helpful in enhancing our ability to develop resources, technology and operational tools that would truly make a difference in the safety and security of our sport venues. Over a year later, I can honestly say that the faculty and staff of NCS
4 have consistently exceeded our hopeful expectations. We look forward to a long and productive collaborative future.”
Established in 2006, the National Center for Spectator Sports Safety and Security was created to provide an interdisciplinary academic environment to further increase sport security awareness, improve sport security policies and procedures, and enhance emergency response through evacuation, recovery operations and crowd management training.