By All Means, Contact Us
- By Ralph C. Jensen
- Apr 13, 2011
Traffic at ISC West was announced to be up 10 percent this year. I believe it. What a great tradeshow, not only for the exhibitors and attendees, but for our staff. We had lots to talk about when arriving home in Dallas.
One of our biggest moments came when we saw the overwhelming acceptance of our Dealer Quarterly magazine, a supplement within Security Products. We’re going to be publishing this four times this year. The next issue is in May.
I’m very proud of the Security Products staff. Our sales team is second to none. They simply are the best in understanding the industry and what the needs of our advertisers might be. Their goal is to create a buzz in our publication, which they do very well.
Many of you met our editorial staff. I want to reintroduce them for what they can do for you.
Sherleen Mahoney is our online managing editor. If you have an idea of what we can do for you on the electronic side of the publication, she is the right person to talk to. You can reach her at [email protected]. Believe me, she has more good ideas rolling around inside her head that any half dozen editors.
Ronnie Rittenberry is our print managing editor, and while he didn’t make the trip to Las Vegas, he is a superb copy editor, and has his fingers on the pulse of this great publication. You can reach him at [email protected].
Brent Dirks is our electronic newsletter guru. He is busy all the time finding and formatting news for our electronic publications. He can be reached at [email protected]. Not everything makes it into the print version, so we have him busy with news.
Our newest member of the Security Products team is Laura Williams. She is simply the energy and finesse of the team. She can and will drum up articles on a moment’s notice, well, at least she does this when I ask her. She can be reached at [email protected].
The heart and soul of the products section is Cindy Horbrook, who compiles and completes the new products and product solutions sections. She can be reached at [email protected]. She can draft a new product description for any section of the magazine.
I’m excited about our staff and what they bring to the production of this publication. With our team, you get attention and knowledge. We’re excited for the next big show in Orlando -- ASIS 2011.
I’m also very excited about our third New Product of the Year contest. We’ll be blasting out entry forms, via e-mail, and I’ll be sending out entry forms to all the people that I know. I invite you to participate as our product jury will review and qualify winners. We will announce the winners during ASIS 2011. If you want more information, you can contact me at [email protected].
Thank you for taking the time to talk to all our staff at ISC West, but you should know you can contact us anytime with great ideas, and good story ideas.
About the Author
Ralph C. Jensen is the Publisher of Security Today magazine.