Nearly One Quarter of Internet Traffic Infringes Global Anti Piracy Laws
Legal IQ, a division of IQPC, recently announced the Anti-Piracy and Content Protection Summit, taking place Nov. 14-16, 2011 in New York City. The focus of the Summit is the protection of IP rights and ensuring legal, profitable distribution of content in the entertainment and software industries. Anti-piracy and legal professionals will gather at the Summit to benchmark anti-piracy strategies amongst industry leaders and stakeholders.
Content Piracy has become a global epidemic - almost a quarter of all internet traffic infringes global anti-piracy laws. The growing availability of pirated content online can largely be attributed to technological innovations, such as the advancements in bandwidth technology and digital formats for mobile devices. A recent global anti-piracy report commissioned by Legal IQ concluded: “Globally the levels of anti-piracy regulation vary, with China regularly being named among the worst offenders. Many believe if these levels of infringement are to be dealt with partnerships between public and private organizations and multinational authorities are needed.” Download the full report.
The Summit will feature:
• Expert analysis of recent legislative developments impacting IP protection
• Effective enforcement strategies
• Increasing ROI when implementing emerging technologies in anti-piracy
• Creating a defensible anti-piracy program
• Mitigating risk throughout a distribution network
• Developing alternative business models to thwart piracy
The Anti-Piracy and Content Protection Summit features confirmed speakers from global leaders in IP protection including CBS, Rosetta Stone, McGraw-Hill Higher Education, Warner Brothers, Viacom, Motion Picture Association of America, and the U.S. Department of Homeland Security.