SIA Announces Free Trial of its new Flagship Business Intelligence Service
The Security Industry Association (SIA) is offering a free trial to its new Securing New Ground Business Intelligence Service, which provides subscribers unique, timely and useful information on the financial side of the security industry.
In 2010, SIA acquired Securing New Ground (SNG), a unique conference held annually in New York City where executives, investors and users of security technology meet for unparalleled learning and network opportunities. This event regularly attracts the corporate “C” level personnel responsible for directing the growth, acquisitions and market positioning of their companies. They are joined by analysts, venture capital firms, and other funding sources familiar with the unique challenges of our industry.
SIA is pleased to present the type of information available at SNG as a year-round service. By partnering with Global Security pipeline, a research firm specializing in global, forward-looking, actionable intelligence on the security business market, SIA now provides senior executives with a cloud-based, proprietary business intelligence resource 24/7/365.
“This exceptionally cost-effective subscription service reports in almost real-time on all aspects of the financial side of the industry,” says Mark Visbal, SIA’s director of research and technology. “It’s this type of critical business intelligence that allows companies to strategically maneuver in these very challenging global economic times.”
There are three key aspects to this service:
1. The daily news brief – The core of the SNG Business Intelligence Service is exclusive business and sector news delivered directly to the subscriber’s inbox. Throughout the day, journalists conduct interviews with industry experts, CEOs, investors and visionaries to provide essential news and insight into what forces are affecting the security industry worldwide – from reports on the latest deals to information and analysis on leading market participants.
2. Premium desktop services – This web browser-based interface provides a suite of information tools in an online platform. These include a sophisticated search engine, as well as the ability to create instant reports in Adobe .pdf or Excel formats. Users can customize email alerts based on areas of interest, physical security sub-sector, geographical areas, etc., which are then delivered to their inbox in real-time or as a weekly recap.
3. Databases – Subscribers also receive access to unique databases, including a global directory of companies, investors and advisers in the sector, searchable by over 30 different criteria. These databases cover venture capital, private equity, and mergers and acquisitions.
The SNG Business Intelligence Service is a “must have” for executives navigating the troubled waters of today's economy. It helps executives understand where the money is, what deals are being made, by whom and in which sub-sectors.
To be enrolled in this free limited-time trial or for more information about the SNG Business Intelligence Service, contact Rashmi Nelson at [email protected] or call (516) 801-0536. To register for the Securing New Ground conference taking place November 1-2 at the Roosevelt Hotel in New York City, visit