AlertEnterprise Showcases Intelligent Enterprise Visitor Management Solution
AlertEnterprise Inc. will showcase its Intelligent Enterprise Visitor Management solution to manage multiple visitor types across multiple enterprise applications and control systems at ISC Solutions.
AlertEnterprise delivers the ability to conduct real-time risk analysis based on multiple information sources including identity databases, enterprise identity and access management systems, Physical Access Control Systems (PACS) and other security applications controlling access to facilities and critical assets.
With different procedures across various PACS systems to provision badge access approval, denial or badge printing, AlertEnterprise delivers powerful integration capabilities to unify provisioning across all major PACS, while simultaneously tracking visitor duration and badge expiration. Concurrent with these security procedures, AlertEnterprise additionally monitors physical access to facilities, systems and critical assets.
“AlertEnterprise engages physical access policies with a focus on classification of the type of visitors as a key factor to securing facilities and actively preventing the risk of an incident,” says Jasvir Gill, Founder and CEO of AlertEnterprise. “AlertEnterprise conducts instantaneous risk analysis and does a thorough validation against do-not-admit-lists, criminal and background checks, for full evaluation of blended threats across an enterprise.”
Through its security convergence technology, AlertEnterprise provides automated visitor access approval, self-service requests for visitor pre-enrollment, and automatic compliance enforcement with visitor audits/reporting, among many other capabilities.