On behalf of the staff here at Security Products magazine and our online venue, Security Today, I would like to take a moment to recognize the three people who lost their lives in the tragic and Boston Marathon explosions. To the Campbell, Lu, and Richard families please know that you are in our hearts, prayers and thoughts as you go through this trying time.
Krystle Campbell, 29 years old from Massachusetts
I retrieved this lovely picture of her from her Facebook page, and I think her parents describe her beautifully.
William Campbell, Jr., Krystle’s father, “She was a very caring, very loving person.” (Quoted from Facebook page)
Patty Campbell, Krystle’s mother, “Krystle Marie, she was a wonderful person. Everybody that knew her loved her. She loved her dogs. ... She had a heart of gold. She was always smiling. You couldn't ask for a better daughter. I can't believe this has happened. She was such a hard worker at everything she did.” (Quoted from: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2013/04/16/krystle-campbell-boston-marathon-victim_n_3096010.html)
Lu Lingzi, 23 years old, graduate student at Boston University
According to the Huffington Post, less than 24 hours before her death, Lu sent an email to a professor after she learned she had passed part of a major final exam:
“I am so happy to get this result! Thank you very much.”
(Photo from http://www.usatoday.com/)
Lu’s parents describe the death of their only child as a “dagger in our hearts.”
(Quoted from: http://abcnews.go.com/US/boston-bomb-victim-grad-student-lingzi-lu-pride/story?id=18975774)
Martin Richard, 8 years old, Dorchester
“No more hurting people. Peace.” There’s nothing more to say.

(Photo from Facebook)
To all three families,
We know that we can’t take away the hurt and the pain. There are no words or actions that we can do to make this any easier. And, we believe that Patty Campbell, Krystle’s mother speaks for us when she said, “This doesn't make any sense."
--The Staff of Security Products magazine and Security Today