Honeywell WiFi Repeater Enhances Camera Networks in a Connected Home or Business
Honeywell released the
Wi-Fi Repeater Extender (WREX), a device that extends Wi-Fi signals, expanding the number of locations in homes and businesses where security dealers can install Wi-Fi IP cameras.
Adding wireless IP cameras in areas that may be out of range of a customers’ existing Wi-Fi router can be challenging. WREX fills the signal gap by repeating the existing Wi-Fi signals to help eliminate dead zones.
The WREX comes as a plug-and-play device that is ready for deployment out of the box. Configuration is easy thanks to push-button Wi-Fi protected setup (WPS) and an available wired Ethernet connection. WREX conforms to the most popular wireless standards: 802.11n, 802.11g or 802.11 b.
Wi-Fi signal strength bars and a diagnostic screen have been added to the video section on web-based Honeywell Total Connect Remote Services. This addition will help installers diagnose range issues, most of which can be resolved by adding the WREX. Since the cameras are portable, it will help users diagnose why a camera stopped working when moved to a new location. This improvement has been implemented on the web interface and will be extended to new mobile apps in the near future.