HID Global pivCLASS Government Solutions First to Complete GSAs FICAM Based E PACS Testing
HID Global announced that products in its pivCLASS Government Solutions portfolio are the first to receive approval for use in Federal Identity, Credential, and Access Management (FICAM) deployments, a roadmap to establish a commonality framework for identity services. First to successfully complete U.S. General Services Administration’s (GSA) new testing process designed to ensure they meet all Enterprise PACS (E-PACS) security and interoperability requirements, the company’s
pivCLASS products provide federal agencies with FIPS 201, FIPS 140 and NIST SP 800-116-compliant products for identity, credential and access management implementation. The FICAM 2.0 roadmap and implementation guidelines enable better service while improving the nation's cyber security, which can be placed at risk due to weak identity and access management programs.
“HID Global offers a comprehensive list of FICAM-approved readers and validation systems to government agencies that require high assurance identity and credential management systems,” said John Fenske, vice president of product marketing, Physical Access Control with HID Global. “With the GSA listing, government agencies can be assured that our pivCLASS products comply with FIPS-201 and the FICAM roadmap requirements to meet the highest testing standards currently in place.”
HID Global’s FICAM-approved pivCLASS products on the GSA Approved Product Listing include: pivCLASS RP40 Contactless reader and pivCLASS RPKCL40 Contact / Contactless reader with PIN, listed under the Physical Access Control Systems (PACS) FICAM Reader category; and pivCLASS Registration Engine, pivCLASS Certificate Manager, pivCLASS Reader Services, pivCLASS IDpublisher and pivCLASS Authentication Module, listed under the Validation System category.
As part of the FICAM testing and approval process, each product was subjected to a rigorous set of tests, including cyberattacks to ensure that the system is not prone to denial of service, credential spoofing, or other types of unauthorized access. The FICAM program tests devices as individual components as part of a high assurance, end-to-end system to ensure that products conform with existing APL approval procedures. This testing approach guarantees that agencies meet all of the requirements in FIPS 201-1 and SP 800-116.