Expect More Growth

Expect More Growth

Technology will continue trending as the market booms in 2014

Expect More GrowthRecent recessions in the global marketplace have taken its toll on numerous industries. The housing industry is only now starting to make a strong comeback, and the automotive market had a few seasons of questionable jump starts.

The same, however, isn’t true for the security industry and its several vertical markets. The global industry for physical security equipment and services was worth $110 billion in 2012, with the Americas accounting for more than 40 percent of the overall market.

According to research firm IHS Inc., North and South America generated $46 billion in revenue last year. Asia was next with $33 billion, and the combined regions of Europe, the Middle East and Africa totaled $29 billion. Strong growth is predicted in all markets for the next few years.

“At its current level, the industry’s annual revenue is double the budget of the Department of Homeland Security,” wrote IHS analysts, who indicated that the security budget is on par with the global revenue of giant corporations such as Nissan Motor Co. of Japan and the U.K.’s Tesco, or IBM from the United States.

In order to get a perspective of the trends in the United States, several company spokesmen and women replied that security is certainly gaining momentum in the marketplace today. Growth will be fueled by technology, and the security market seems to take its cue from increasing technological advances in almost every other industry.

Comments from industry professionals put growth and trends in genuine perspective. Of course, many of the comments are explicit to that company’s offering, but who better to talk about trends than those people who know their products best.

David Gottlieb, global marketing communications leader, Honeywell Security Group, Melville, N.Y.

“There is a common thread that ties together a few important trends and that thread is connectivity, which is being driven by the prevalence of broadband and smartphones,” Gottlieb said. “In the home, you see it in the increased demand for mobile control and lifestyle features like the control of lights, locks and HVAC by apps like Total Connect. There will be systems that don’t even use an installed keypad and rely solely on mobile devices and tablets for control, for those who have that preference.

“Connectivity also is having an impact in business applications where hosted, cloud-based services, like MAXPRO Cloud, let users view live and recorded video from a PC or remote device.”

Increasing Revenue. Security analysts expect the security marketplace to stay strong, partly because it was able to remain vibrant during the recession.

“Now, with the general improvement in the global economy, we expect total industry revenue to reach $170 billion a year by 2017, even though growth rates will probably peak before then,” said David Green, senior analyst for video surveillance and security services at IHS.

Greg Alcorn, senior vice president of business development, Oncam Grandeye, Lowell, Mass.

“Technology has been whizzing ahead of the security industry for years. Today’s customers require total situational awareness 24/7, 365 [days per year], and mobile technology has finally joined with security to bring continuous and constant intelligence to our customers’ fingertips,” Alcorn said.

“Mobility, flexibility and continued innovation are in demand, and our industry is finally catching the wave. In just the past 12 to 18 months, we’ve seen the surveillance arena hone in on builtin intelligence and improved imaging techniques. So, rather than more pixels we are seeing larger pixels, better lenses and faster processing power from those willing to push the boundaries. Our customers are saying, ‘If I can see more, I want to know more.’ We’re listening.”

Optimistic Forecast. With 2014 right around the corner, it’s an exciting time to be in the security industry. Opportunity remains for a dramatic shift from analog over to IP/MP devices, and most industry professionals expect this shift to happen at an amazing pace.

Matt Sailor, CEO, IC Realtime, Pompono Beach, Fla.

“IP/MP gear has come down significantly in price as well as gotten much better in low-light performance; its two biggest issues prior to 2014,” Sailor said. “I see this trend continuing and growing into a 60 to 70 percent market share within the next two to three years.

“With that being said the true diamonds in the rough, in regard to emerging technology, are the 360-degree, immersive- type cameras that are just now really coming out. This type of camera allows for an enormous area to be covered with a single camera, and then has the ability to zoom in after the recording to see details that, until now, were only in the movies. This is really the future of what should no longer be called CCTV, for it is really no longer closed; instead, it is wide open.”

Projected Future Growth. In August, ASIS International, in conjunction with the Institute of Finance and Management, jointly released “The United States Security Industry: Size and Scope, Insights, Trends and Data” that was intended to shine a light on private security expansion over the next decade and the industry’s projected future growth. The analysis took into consideration the security products and services’ market as well as the industry’s staffing market.

More than 400 security executives participated in the U.S. survey that was conducted in 2012. The findings have relevance because they include security manufacturers and vendors, security services providers, dealers, distributors, installers and integrators, all of whom are familiar with the market and plan their businesses around projects already in the pipeline.

Many security professionals will state unequivocally that partnerships and collaborations between private and public security entities will continue to grow. Budget restraints are likely the driver for the associations, but they also represent a common sense approach to share information; be of service to fellow security professionals; and cooperate within the field of security, which benefits everyone.

Alan T. Mather, chief, protective services division, NASA, Houston, Tex.

“Witness Amber and Silver Alerts that merge the immediacy to convey information with instantaneous mass communication,” Mather said. “Sharing of intelligence information, regarding a host of natural and manmade threats, will continue to grow between private, local, state and federal bodies.

“Changes in information technology, especially the movement toward mobile devices, will create opportunities in the areas of cybercrime and security, personal identification vulnerability and technology protection.

“Security professionals must become more adept and knowledgeable of cyber terminology and protection principles, and be equally conversant with information technology systems or physical security protection. From a threat perspective, expect to see continued increases in cybercrime, cyber espionage, cyber theft, cyber attacks and big data theft from an insider with access to desired information. Expect more mobile security applications, as organizations move toward greater mobile device management.”

Technology Growth for Mobile Devices. These are issues and touch points that weren’t talked about a few years ago, but now, they represent a major shift in dealing with physical security issues, along with Internet-savvy criminals. As stated over and over again, technology is a major player in the security industry.

“Technology growth in the area of mobile devices designed for security use, whether specific hardware or software, will trend upward,” Mather said. “New developments, such as Near Field Communication [NFC], will change some security practices. For example, NFC may enhance or eliminate badge usage with placement of a credential on a smartphone, similar to paperless airline boarding passes. Expect to see increased digital technologies, such as high-definition cameras and digital image processing, especially for aerial imagery obtained by the expanded use of drones that will drive video analytic applications to deliver better and faster intelligence products.”

Social Media. An interesting turn in the security world is how social media is now playing a role in protection and security.

“Social media will become more important as a rallying forum that may be used for emergency management purposes during crisis and disaster situations, but it may also need to be monitored for employee abuse, brand defacement or corporate antagonism,” Mather said.

Multi-Billion Dollar Industry. From the ASIS survey, it is estimated that the security market is an astounding $350 billion business. That is significantly higher than some analysts portend, but the survey takes into account a worldwide trend of all security services. ASIS information said that the break out will be about $282 billion in the private sector, with the federal government spending $69 billion on homeland security. Overall growth is expected to rise between 5 and 9 percent, which some say is a conservative number.

Fredrik Nilsson, general manager Americas, Axis Communications, Chelmsford, Mass.

“According to an August ASIS report, the U.S. security industry is a $350 billon market. It’s an exciting number— until you peel back the data and see that only $10 billion is spent on video surveillance technology. That’s less than three percent,” Nilsson said. “In the very same report, the desire to reduce security costs is the number one driver for growth. Increased use of technology is second. So, then why is so little spent on video technology, compared to guards, when IP devices outperform humans in a variety of tasks?

“IP cameras can see color at night; detect intruders in complete darkness with thermal imaging; and use WDR to create a clear picture through the blinding sun, without getting a headache. They never forget, and memory is always improving and becoming more
searchable. Network camera systems
can even beat humans in intelligence,
especially for repetitive, mundane tasks
like motion detection, people counting
and license plate capture.

“This isn’t to say that humans
should or will be replaced. Intuition
will always be the most valuable tool.
But image usability, data memory and
intelligence will bring us into a proactive
surveillance phase where critical
video is pushed to humans who know
how to act on it. This creates a smarter,
safer world.”

Everyday Solutions. Analysts look at
the bigger picture while security professionals
in the field see things from an
operations perspective, which seems to
be more in line with daily applications
and fitting for the market in general.
These are the same people who see everyday
ownership of security systems
and what it takes to extend the life of
solutions already in place, or enhance
the security into the digital world.

There are several exciting thoughts
on what is next.

Charlie Howell, physical
security consultant, Combs
Group, San Antonio, Tex.

“This year we saw a
lot of mobility enhancements
more into the
edge in video surveillance,
and more
conversations on
open architecture,” Howell said. “The
trends appear to show that in the
coming months and year, we will
probably see more focus on how to
support the end user in life cycle management
of those integrated on business
network systems.

“End users are fighting the battle
of supporting failed servers, missing
storage, heavy bandwidth consumption
and the physical security industry. As a
whole, we need to step up to the plate
in supporting the resolution to these issues
without having to forklift upgrades
or replace $20,000 [worth of] servers. It
is this need that will drive the manufacturers
to respond with easier revision
push outs from servers; secluded OS
abilities; the use of cloud systems and
storage; and other related items that
make it easier for the end user to own
the system.”

Rob Hile, CEO, Integrated
Fire and Security Solutions,
Tampa, Fla.

“Edge recording
and processing is
starting to become
cost-effective and
accepted as the redundancy
or resiliency
piece on many
large, enterprise, CCTV system designs,”
Hile said. “This helps reduce the
cost of redundant servers, especially
with cloud storage becoming more
widely accepted.

“This trend also is popular when you
consider the ‘green’ aspect of security
solution design because the requirement
for less premise-based servers
reduces the up-front costs of server or
rack space, and total cost of ownership
when you factor in utility bill savings
and ongoing hardware maintenance. It
also is important to mention that most
cloud applications are considered an
operational expenditure instead of a
capital budget line item; thus, [they are]
easier to get through the corporate budget

Growth May Vary. When you begin
to look at different verticals within the
security industry, one key ingredient is
keeping property and assets safe. That
has always been a linchpin for security
manufacturers and dealers. Growth
depends on which part of the security
food chain one lives in.

Keith Jentoft, president,
Videofied, Vadnais Heights,

“Big iron integration
is moving
things to the cloud,”
Jentoft said. “More
pixels, analytics and
lower costs are driving
cameras. Video
verification with priority police response
is now a driving force in the
monitored alarm business. The core
value of monitored alarms is to deliver
police when they are needed, and monitored,
video-verified alarms do this better
than any other alternative.
“Central station operators become
actual ‘eyewitnesses’ and police respond
faster to a crime in-progress.
While the smart home is certainly coming
of age, there are growing indications
that smart home hardware and
apps will be purchased at Home Depot
or online, not from traditional alarm
monitoring companies. Fortunately,
Amazon does a great job delivering
electronics and smartphone apps—but
not police. Monitored video alarms
now cost about the same as the classic
blind systems; the same to buy, to
install, and to monitor. Yet, video-verified
alarms deliver greater security to
concerned consumers, while the smart
home is just one more option in home

“Smart homes still need police response,
and monitored video alarms
deliver. We sell security and faster
police response, and that is a growing

Evolution of the Security Camera.
The security industry has numerous
types of equipment, none more high
profile than the evolution of the camera.
What began as a closed and private
means of recording is now a fully
open architecture with the IP camera.
Beyond a camera’s use for identifying
a problem or suspect, cameras also are
used in a variety of ways in the retail
business for marketing purposes.
Cameras, however, are primarily
used to restore order to what might
be an unruly and confusing situation.
Even after the identification of the Boston
bombing suspects through grainy
security-camera images, some say the
blanketing of a city in surveillance
cameras can create as many problems
as it solves.

A network of cameras on city streets
and other public spaces increases the
chance of capturing a criminal on
video but can generate an overwhelming
amount of evidence to sift through.
Cameras make some people feel more
secure, knowing that bad guys are being
watched. But privacy advocates and
other citizens are uneasy with the idea
that “Big Brother” is monitoring their
every public move.

Cheryl Bard, product marketing
manager, Bosch Security
Systems, Rochester, N.Y.

“Our industry is undergoing
change, including
the more
rapid adoption of
IP video systems,”
Bard said. “Specifically,
the 16-camera-and-under market
segment has traditionally used analog
technology, but declining prices and increasing
technology options are making
IP video more accessible.

“For example, a small retail shop
can choose a cost-effective system by
combining IP cameras with local, SD
card storage and free viewing software,
or by using a Dropbox application for
remote storage of recorded activity,
along with a transcoder for mobile access
to high-quality video. As awareness
of these possibilities expands, we
expect to see higher growth in IP video
for small systems.”

Geoff Anderson, senior
product manager, Pelco by
Schneider Electric, Clovis,

“The trends are
clear and seem to be
accelerating toward
the end of 2014:
more interconnection
and integration
of video, intrusion,
access control and other systems,” Anderson

“Another parallel trend is the increase
in IP, multi-megapixel, camera
offerings, and the increase in customer
demand for these multi-megapixel cameras
are driving up requirements for
bandwidth, storage and management
of high-quality video. IP cameras are
dramatically changing the video surveillance
infrastructure requirements
for transmission, power and illumination;
all of which need to be connected,
managed and monitored at some level
to make sure everything is operational.
The growth areas are in multi-megapixel
cameras and the higher bandwidth
systems to transmit, manipulate and
store the video.”

The Importance of Biometrics.
Meanwhile, facial-recognition software
and other technologies are making
security-camera images more valuable
to law enforcement. Now, software can
automatically mine surveillance footage
for information, such as a specific
person’s face, and create a giant searchable

Compare their quick turnaround
with the 2005 London bombings, when
it took thousands of investigators
weeks to parse the city’s CCTV footage
after the attacks. The cameras, software
and algorithms have come a long way
in eight years.

Scott Schafer, executive
vice president, Arecont Vision,
Glendale, Calif.

“The quest for the
best images that deliver
the most information
is already
driving the migration
to megapixel
imaging, and continues
with technology advancements,”
Schafer said. “Multi-sensor, panoramic
cameras enable better coverage over
large areas with fewer cameras. Unlike
fish-eye lenses or single-sensor, panoramic
cameras, multi-sensor, panoramic
cameras deliver a high-quality
image across the entire 180 or 360 degree

“They also provide a fantastic value
since there is typically only one VMS or
NVR license fee. Imaging technology
advancements also include wide dynamic
range, which produces better images
where highly-contrasted lighting exists,
helping ensure that every image provides
optimum information for the user.”

Katharina Geutebruck, director of
Geutebruck, Cologne, Germany

“The video security trend toward
more megapixels has slowed down
as resolutions follow broadcast market
developments,” Geutebruck said.
“Video analytics in cameras and in
servers is still growing, as offerings
become more realistic and mature.
“Two trends are not materializing as massively
as expected. Instead of increasingly supplying software
VSMs and hardware separately, more and more
software-only, VSM suppliers will now also supply
appliances, such as hardware with software installed.
This shows that integrators and users are increasingly
looking for complete subsystems from one
manufacturer, probably to reduce complexity when
integrating different subsystems into a complete security

“The cloud is being adopted very slowly, and only
in home and small office applications. This is probably
due to the massive bandwidth costs. Bandwidth
costs are also behind the need for bandwidth-adapted
streaming based on transcoding technology to allow
the use of mobile devices.

“Demand is still growing for the integration and
interoperability of different security subsystems with
supervising PSIMs, and more and more manufacturers
are responding to the need to open up interfacing
to others.

“Growth is mainly driven by customer- and usergroup-
specific functionality, and user interfaces. The
security industry is following the worldwide trend toward
individualization of products and systems.”

Additional Equipment Options. While a camera
provides the mechanism for capturing images and
events, there is plenty of support equipment that
make it all happen.

Frank “Skip” Haight, vice president of
marketing, Communication Networks,
Danbury, Conn.

“One of the growth areas I hear being
discussed often, and we are
consistently developing new products
for, is the creation of ‘city centers’
in cities and towns around the
world,” Haight said. “The concept
of a city center is a central point
for people to gather where commerce, entertainment,
shopping and business are concentrated. In these areas,
where the goal is to attract large numbers of people,
security is critical, and large numbers of cameras
are required for surveillance.

“ComNet is being challenged to provide transmission
solutions for the city center concept. We are
being asked to integrate our fiber optic, wireless and
copper media solutions to bring back all IP video to
the central monitoring location. These projects can
turn out to be massive, when you consider the physical
size of some of these centers.

“In many applications, the cost of installing a
hard-wired, transmission infrastructure, be it fiber
optic or copper, is extremely cost-prohibitive. Think
of the costs involved to bring in a crew to install cable
across a large parking lot or in a developed area. A
cost-effective, easy-to-use, reliable, wireless Ethernet
system is a great solution for that type of challenge.”

Brian Carle, director of product strategy,
Salient Systems, Austin, Texas

Deployment methods that reduce
NVR server cost is a trend gaining
significant interest. A couple of
technologies targeting that market

“In-camera VMS. An IP camera
can be described as a small
computer with image capture technology,” Carle said.
“Extra processing capacity allows third-party applications
to run without purchasing additional servers.
More commonly, video analytics can be run on cameras,
but interest has been gaining for edge-based, video-
management software. Limited selection and lack of centralized management capability are limiting
adoption; but, as products evolve, this may become a
popular deployment method.

“VSaaS. Hosting the NVR in the cloud eliminates
the on-site server. This model can reduce upfront
costs, server management needs and risks associated
with NVR tampering or theft. VSaaS is still an evolving
technology but significantly more mature than
hosting the VMS in a camera.”

Eric Fullerton, CSMO, Milestone
Systems, Copenhagen, Denmark

“Milestone has redefined the way
we look at the industry, from the
traditional focus on number of
cameras installed as the parameter
of measurement for low, mid or
high end of the market,” Fullerton
said. “We have seen that it has really
come to be about the complexity of needs and
number of sites covered. There can be a high-volume
customer, like a retailer, with many sites to install basic
surveillance needs and fewer cameras per boutique.
Or, there can be a mid-size, single-site customer,
like a power station, who has very critical security
needs, who needs comprehensive features and integrations
with many other systems like analytics, access
control and perimeter scanning devices.

“The open-platform approach that Milestone introduced
to the industry is widening its influence
across many industries, moving solutions from a
single-purpose focus to an all-encompassing view of
video-enabling processes by integrating surveillance
with access control, building management, production
or logistic systems, retail marketing applications,
patient care and more.

“Open-platform VMS, embedded in different
hardware form factors, is winning its attention space
for enabling greater ease of purchase, deployment and
use. This trend will continue and eventually lower the
barriers for full conversions to IP video, putting the final
nail in the coffin for analog, forcing its end of life.”

Surveillance and Terrorism. In major cities, during
this age of terrorism, someone is almost always

The cameras used in London are part of the city’s
extensive and sophisticated “Ring of Steel” surveillance
system that combines nearly a half million cameras,
roadblocks and license plate readers to monitor
the heart of the city. Set up in 1998, the system is one
of the most advanced in the world, allowing authorities
to track anyone going into or out of central London.

Many residents question the effectiveness of London’s
system, however. In 2008, only one crime was
solved for every 1,000 cameras, according to the city’s
police. CCTV cameras across Britain also have cost
authorities nearly $800 million over the past four
years, according to the civil liberties group, Big Brother

Modeled after London’s system, New York’s
Lower Manhattan Security Initiative monitors 4,000
security cameras and license plate readers south of
Canal Street. The project uses feeds from both private
and public security cameras that are all monitored 24
hours a day by the NYPD.

All of this would not be possible without the use
of security software and software solutions that bring
intelligence to the equation.

Ajay Jain, president and CEO, Quantum
Secure, San Jose, Calif.

“Disruptive, but intelligent, IT
processes are now making security
an integral part of the enterprise,”
Jain said. “Software automation
is providing new ROI for
the security department, which is
evolving into a customer-servicefocused

“Convergence with IT is driving the industry beyond
physical access control towards physical identity
and access management with automated audit, compliance
and physical access governance. With big data
security analytics, enterprises can mitigate risk and threats by marrying datasets, threat detection, monitoring
and user activity with actionable intelligent
logs. Mobile solutions also improve the end-user experience
and increase productivity. The value proposition
is increasing swiftly.”

Highs and Lows. Among the key verticals within the
industry, K-12 and campus security brings the most
satisfaction, and sometimes the greatest despair, when
trouble arises in the halls of education.

Karen Evans, president, Sielox,
Runnemede, N.J.

“You can’t enter a security conversation
without discussing schools
and smartphones,” Evans said.
“The industry is seeing growth in
panic notification and perimeter
security to address the active
shooter crisis. Another hot trend is
the use of smartphones for anywhere security management
and credentialing.

“This seems like the perfect storm for mega growth
in non-traditional panic or access solutions. Imagine
using smartphones as a ‘virtual panic button’ for notification
as well as live and immediate interaction with
security staff. Automatically locking out the bad guys
or enabling responders to direct potential victims to
safety...these innovative solutions are within reach or
perhaps better said, at our fingertips.”

More Security Options for Schools. We will never
forget Columbine, Virginia Tech and Sandy Hook.
Unfortunately, there have been other schools that
have been part of the bed of violence. Access control,
video surveillance and identification play an ever-increasing
role in safety.

John Fenske, vice president of product
marketing, physical access control,
HID Global, Irvine, Calif.

“Demand for secure identity solutions
is accelerating across federal,
financial, education, healthcare
and enterprise environments. Lines
continue to blur between physical
and IT security. Users want increased
security and privacy, while
also being able to do more with their credentials such
as carry them in their mobile phones. They want converged
credentials to support multiple uses, and the
proliferation of multi-layered strong authentication
will improve security at the door and for data and
cloud applications. In the future, we’ll see gestures become
a new type of authentication factor that, with a
wave of the hand or other movement, enables users to
control a variety of RFID devices.”

Mike Seger, director of safety and
student services, Penn-Harris-Madison
School Corporation, Mishawaka, Ind.

“While discussions continue related
to physical safety measures within
K-12 schools, most schools simply
cannot afford to provide all the bells
and whistles to secure the school entrances,
corridors and classrooms,”
Seger said. “Therefore, looking to
increase interoperability communications and focus on
threat assessment programs within schools will be key to
responding to and deterring future threats within educational

“eTieline is a public safety network established to
allow all first responders and public safety entities to
connect to a secure network to exchange information
in real time. eTieline is a secure, easy-to-use, communication
tool that can be used across counties, states
and entire regions. This technology is designed to
share information with users quickly and confidentially
within your network of responders. When the
cell phone lines are locked, due to a major crisis event,
eTieline is the back-door communication for school
administration, first responders, hospitals and other
key stakeholders to continue emergency response

“Staying on the front end of school threats and establishing
interoperability among first responders will
be crucial to responding after an incident.”

Frank Gasztonyi, chief technology
officer, Mercury Security, Long Beach,

“Education, in general, and K-12,
specifically, is still riding the emotional,
economic wave to secure
these facilities,” Gasztonyi said.
“Substantially-installed bases of
multiple manufactures, whose systems
have reached the sunset technologically,
need upgrades. (Casi & Infographics are
easily identifiable).

“Video companies offering access as a staple of
their systems seems to be a reaction to the downward
pressure on the GM for video products and has made
them seek greener pastures. The offshoot of this migration
will be a very interesting struggle for hearts,
minds and share of the wallet at the integrator level.

“Growth of wireless, beyond readers, will allow interesting
technologies to continue to evolve under the
lower cost of ownership.”

School Security Training. Tying it all together in
the security industry isn’t an easy proposition. Security
organizations offer classroom training, conferences
and expositions to bring experts together to share information
and expand knowledge.

Merlin Guilbeau, executive director
and CEO, Electronic Security Association,
Irving, Tex.

“Looking at the 2014 landscape,
technology continues to drive
business with core services expanding
beyond security into energy
management, integration and
automation services that enhance
the customer’s experience,” Guilbeau
said. “Security companies are well positioned to
take advantage of this trend. As the economy improves,
companies that plan for the future and react
accordingly will be poised to capitalize on these trends
and grow stronger, even in the face of increased competition
from new players.

“Video growth is expected to outpace that of access
control and intrusion detection next year. Fire
detection, energy management, automation and networking
are the next categories of growth. Security,
via mobile devices, is projecting strong growth as well.

“Given the continued progression of technology, it’s
important to identify the workforce of the future, and
ensure the availability of well-trained employees who
will provide the highest standards of customer service
and support. Existing employees require new skills and
certification. Security providers will need to be on the
lookout for the next wave of employees that can fuel
business growth during a time of rapid change.”

Ray Gilley, president and CEO,
ISI Security, San Antonio, Tex.

“The key growth areas for the security
industry will be in the market
verticals impacted by security
regulations, such as the Chemical
Security Anti-Terrorism Standards
and Food Safety Regulations,”
Gilley said. “In these regulatory-
centric areas, security is required, and can be
enforced with fines and the threat of material liability
exposure. Increasing demand from the public to have
our critical infrastructure more prepared and a realization
from politicians that private industry needs a
regulatory push will drive the growth of these critical
security segments. This is very similar to the early
years of the fire alarm industry.”

Always Growing. Commercial and industrial
security has always been a growth business. It will
continue to be so, thankfully, with
some of the best and brightest
minds looking for solutions to serve
and protect.

This article originally appeared in the December 2013 issue of Security Today.


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