AMAG Technology, access control and integrated security solution developer, held its annual Eagle Award reception at ISC West on April 3 where it presented its top 2013 Symmetry Authorized Resellers with Eagle Awards in recognition for their outstanding sales effort, dedication to AMAG’s Symmetry access control solution and exceptional customer service.
“It is with great pleasure that I have the honor of awarding our top integrators for their exceptional sales accomplishments,” said AMAG Technology President and CEO, Bob Sawyer. “I value their dedication to our Symmetry product line and company, and appreciate their continued business.”

The following awards were presented at a private ceremony:
Overall Awards
Overall National Award: ACME Security Systems, Inc.
Master Reseller Award: Symmetric Interconnect Systems, Inc.
Government Reseller Award: Infotec Systems Corporation
Canadian Reseller Award: Reliance Protectron, Inc.
Partner Award: PSA Security Network, Inc.
National Reseller Award: Convergint Technologies, LLC.
President’s Circle Award: Universal Security Systems
Regional Awards
Northeast: AVS Technology, LLC
Northwest: Allied Fire and Security
Central North: Security Equipment, Inc.
Southwest: ACME Security Systems, Inc.
Central South: Dowley/Infrastruct, Inc.
Mid-Atlantic: X7 Systems Integration, LLC
Southeast: Gorrie Regan and Associates, Inc.
Great Lakes: Acree Daily Corporation