Pentagon Prepared for Zombie Apocalypse
- By Ginger Hill
- May 20, 2014
I’m a huge fan of the Walking Dead series, not because I particularly like zombies, but I really enjoy the story line with all the different plot lines being exposed in each episode. Though I know zombies don’t exist, it’s great to unplug from reality and just get lost in some “what if” moments. Sometimes I even think about if zombies were real and what I would do to stay safe, but apparently, I don’t have to worry because the Pentagon has everything under control.
CONOP 8888, an unclassified document, is a template for how to plan for real-life, large-scale operations, emergencies and catastrophes from U.S. Strategic Command officials, using the theme of a planet-wide zombie apocalypse.
It is used as an in-house training tool to teach basic concepts of military plans and order development to students.
Within the “zombie curriculum,” students learn about various zombie life forms, including vegetarian ones that pose no harm to people and those created from occult experimentation or being exposed to high doses of radiation. General zombie awareness training is conducted followed by how to recall military personnel to their stations and deploy reconnaissance teams. Even rules of engagement with zombies are clearly defined: “…concentration of all firepower to the head, specifically the brain.”
Contingency plans are included, just in case medical facilities are infiltrated by zombies. If power stations are unable to be accessed, the plan is to deploy remote-controlled robots to man critical infrastructure. And, the chain of command from the President to the State Department and intelligence is identified.
So, why zombies? Couldn’t ghosts or other goblins been used?
According to officials, zombies were chosen because of the outlandish nature of the attack premise, as if vampires, ghosts, werewolves and such aren’t outlandish enough?
Still, it makes me feel a little safer knowing that the government has covered ALL their bases when it comes to life safety initiatives.
About the Author
Ginger Hill is Group Social Media Manager.