Man Bypasses Security at DFW Airport without ticket or ID

Man Bypasses Security at DFW Airport without ticket or ID

Damarias Cockerham passed through the TSA checkpoint and boarded a flight to Guatemala

Reports say that a man was able to board an American Airlines flight without a ticket in order to stop his girlfriend from being “with the wrong guy.” TSA agents did nothing to stop Damarias Cockerham on his way to Guatemala.

Even without a photo ID or a ticket, Cockerham managed to get through a terminal checkpoint without being stopped. He refused to get off the plane until realizing it wouldn’t take off with him on board.

Before boarding the plane, Cockerham parked his car along the curb, and after the arrest was made police searched the vehicle, where dogs “exhibited a positive response for the presence of energetic materials.”

In a statement Monday, TSA Regional Public Affairs Manager Carrie Harmon said the agency is “reviewing the incident and is working closely with the airport, local law enforcement and stakeholders to ensure that all of our checkpoints at D/FW reflect optimal security configurations.”

Harmon also said TSA immediately “made adjustments” to the D/FW screening area and added more barriers. She said the agency is working to identify other long-term solutions that may require more physical changes to the area.

About the Author

Matt Holden is an Associate Content Editor for 1105 Media, Inc. He received his MFA and BA in journalism from Ball State University in Muncie, Indiana. He currently writes and edits for Occupational Health & Safety magazine, and Security Today.


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