Information Security: Three Industry Apps to Follow

Information Security: Three Industry Apps to Follow

InfoSec has become a hot-button issue.

Infosec, or information security, has become a hot-button issue recently due to some very high-profile attacks that have occurred over the last few years.

Major breaches at Target, Sony, and Equifax have shown us that, when it comes to cybersecurity, we are anything but safe. The proliferation of internet-enabled devices has led to a compounded security threat that has pressures from around the globe.

Therefore, it is absolutely critical that we use any and all help available to us in the fight for our privacy and security. In this article, we are going to present an array of information security applications that can protect you, or your business, from malicious hackers who only want to hurt you for financial gain.


To start this list, we are going to explore one of the biggest players in the assisted cybersecurity industry. Comodo is a top-of-the-line security solutions platform that is surprisingly powerful and affordable.

They offer a myriad of services from remote desktop monitoring to endpoint firewalls. They offer packages for business and personal use that include all their antivirus and malware protection. Since it can be used at enterprise level it offers an extra layer of security that is usually difficult to achieve with a run-of-the-mill IT team.

Nothing is more important than securing your files in the most suffocating way possible and Comodo has tools that allow you to do just that. It also boasts the world's first remote security and patch management platform so that you are never out of the loop.

They also have the ability to grant your website or sites, SSL certificates to certify that you are a secure and trusted website for anybody that goes to your website. It is truly an all in one platform that does not spare any expense to protect your data from bad actors or slick hackers. Comodo is a compelling Infosec platform that can keep you safe without destroying your budget.

Lookout Mobile

Lookout Mobile Security is a platform that is dedicated to securing your mobile devices. It gives you the ability to scan applications and networks to make sure that there are no unwanted viruses lurking around the corners of your tools or public WiFi spots. We take our smartphones with us everywhere and use them for just about everything.

Over time, of course, they become absolutely filled with sensitive information about our lives that, if stolen, could impact us dearly. Thanks to platforms like Lookout Mobile, you do not have to feel like your smartphone is out to brave the cold on its own. Your smartphone is one of your most valuable possessions and it's time to start protecting it like it is.

Passwords, hate them or love them, they can be the first line of defense against the malicious hordes. A strong, unique password is an essential tool in the modern age that must have very little weakness. Truth be told, it is an outstandingly difficult thing to make a safe password.

Whether we realize it or not, we usually end up using something about our lives that a savvy hacker might be able to guess. In order to get around this complexity, you can use to generate a password that truly cannot be linked to you in any way.

This service always generates strong passwords that are nearly impossible to crack with brute force or cunning wit. Passwords are essential for security, yet, they are often never implemented properly. Use to make sure that your password is not an Infosec weakness.  


Information security is one of the most important tech fields now. Aside from being wholly crucial, Infosec has become a powerhouse industry with an astonishing array of choices to make sure that your data is safe. Whether it is making strong passwords or patching up your ship, there is a service out there that fits your security needs perfectly.

As the technological revolution rages on, we must have the presence of mind to secure our information with all tools available so that we do not end up being a stranger’s paycheck without first agreeing to it.

There is no sign that hackers have given up the fight or that we have stopped being targets. This problem has still not driven the response necessary despite the severity of the breaches we have been affected by recently.

There is little consideration for how a hack can devastate us in a way that it could not before because all our lives are tied up in online files. In fact, we are so incredibly ingrained with the internet now that any breach at all could turn our lives upside down.


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