People Say the Funniest Things

People Say the Funniest Things

By all accounts, GSX version 2023 was completely successful. Apparently, there were plenty of mix-ups with the airlines and getting aircraft from the East Coast into Big D.

I am all ears when I am in a gathering of people. You never know when a nugget of information might slip out. Probably the funniest thing I heard was two attendees talking about getting good barbeque, when one gentleman asked the other if there is good barbeque in Dallas. One attendee, from North Carolina pointed out that his state’s barbeque sauce is vinegar based, and there is nothing better.

I wanted to insert my commentary on barbeque sauce. I beg to differ on the vinegar thing. A good friend, Dan Rothrock, president of Security and Safety Americas at Zenitel, is not only an expert on audio within the security industry but is an expert on good barbeque sauces. Dan hails from Kansas City, the land of fine steak and delicious barbeque.

To my friends wanting to find good barbeque in the Metroplex. Yes, the best sauce is right here in Dallas.

Perhaps the funniest thing I heard last week was a comment of whether GSX is a regional tradeshow. No, I am quite sure the reach of GSX includes all of North America, plus has a significant reach into Central America. Airplanes, when they did arrive, were filled with attendees, and I am sure you noticed that downtown hotels were filled.

GSX 2023 was a terrific show. I am still curious why there is a third day, but I am all for it. The numbers of attendees dwindle significantly but all the better for me to get from booth to booth. I hope GSX hurries back to Dallas, and next time we can have a barbeque shootout on that third day. I will grab my friend, Dan, and we can be barbeque judges.

About the Author

Ralph C. Jensen is the Publisher of Security Today magazine.


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