Networking Security

Time to Take Advantage

Time to Take Advantage

For every organization, one of the first steps in providing safety and security is knowing at all times who is in the building. This is true for protecting people, property, or assets, and whether the building is a business, school, hospital or any other location.

Exacq Technologies Introduces VideoPush for Exacq Mobile in version 6.8

Faster camera discovery, new camera integrations and more.

REELEX Packaging Solutions Implements Anti-counterfeit Campaign

Company educating installers on the perils of using knock-off REELEX bulk wire cartons while vowing to continue to pursue measures against patent and trademark offenders.

Search for Standardized Testing Leaks Raises Security Concerns

Search for Standardized Testing Leaks Raises Security Concerns

New Jersey recently switched to digital testing, bringing a host of new security concerns with it.

IDEAL Networks Showcases Video Surveillance Troubleshooting Equipment at ISC West 2015

Cable certifier, verifier and tester allow network administrators to confirm correct installation of copper and fiber network cabling and troubleshoot existing analog and IP video surveillance system installations.

Bring on the Power - Understanding that PoE impacts network design

Bring on the Power

When selecting a PoE switch for an IP surveillance network, system integrators should be aware that not all switches are created equal. PoE switch manufacturers offer a variety of different features that can impact functionality and pricing.

The Trends We are Seeing

The Trends We are Seeing

The themes for VMS product development can be summarized as bigger, better and faster. In 2015, look for capabilities that range from those which deliver more information to architectures that optimize VMS performance on purpose built hardware offerings.

Taking the Mystery Out of Video-in-the-Cloud - Why cloud storage is gaining popular support

Taking the Mystery Out of Video-in-the-Cloud

In a recent Hollywood comedy, Jason Segel’s character uttered the famous line, “Nobody understands the cloud. It’s a mystery.” And yet, all of us have been using the cloud for years: for online banking, online shopping, social media, email, sharing family photos and a host of other activities.

On the Fast Track

Today’s integrated systems are generating more data than ever before. For some perspective on just how much data we’re talking about, consider that from the dawn of civilization to 2003, humankind created two exabytes of data.

Data as a Decisionmaker

The best way to make any decision is by collecting as much data as possible. The more information you have, the better your decision will be.

Recalibrating the Market - Step back and look at the entire solution

Recalibrating the Market

The network-based physical security industry has matured rapidly over the past few years. As the technology and other components of security solutions have advanced, so too have the customer’s expectations.

Actionable Intelligence - Data is the main player in making security decisions

Actionable Intelligence

All security decisions are based on data. So, it would stand to reason that the more data organizations are able to collect, the more informed their security teams will be and, by extension, the better the decisions they make will be.

On the Edge of Innovation - IP Video Surveillance Market Solutions Building Strong Industry Partnerships

On the Edge of Innovation

Often taken for granted—as video surveillance cameras and systems can be found in virtually any public space—the ability to deliver quality live and recorded video is a complex mechanism requiring hardware, software and networking.

Completely On Line - Why they are essential to the networking mission

Completely On Line

The past few years have been unlike any period we’ve experienced in the professional security industry. The journey from the first IP cameras to the present day is now rapidly accelerating.

ICE Now Delivering Pre Terminated and Field Terminable HDMI Cables

Robust assortment of premium HDMI solutions to satisfy many in-room and in-wall HDMI connectivity needs of integrators.

Embracing the Internet of Things

Embracing the Internet of Things

The machine-to-machine (M2M) movement. The Internet of Things (IoT). The Internet of Everything (IoE). Each term may have its subtle differences, but at their core, they all involve connected devices that share information to enhance their intelligence, capabilities and operation.

NACE Great Rated by Its Employees

Highlights what makes its workplace culture great in areas like professional development, training, company atmosphere, benefits, awards, etc.

Virtual Blind Spots

In the physical realm, video surveillance is among the most effective methods for safeguarding property. With 24/7 monitoring, companies ensure that trusted insiders have access to the premises, and that criminals do not.

Keeping Operations Afloat

The amount of data we generate on a daily basis is astounding, and it’s only growing larger with each passing day.

Yesterday’s Network was a Challenge

Fiber optics makes delivering data much easier, and the network that this information rides on is able to do the job.


  • Maximizing Your Security Budget This Year

    7 Ways You Can Secure a High-Traffic Commercial Security Gate  

    Your commercial security gate is one of your most powerful tools to keep thieves off your property. Without a security gate, your commercial perimeter security plan is all for nothing. Read Now

  • Study: 90 Percent of Organizations Experienced an Identity-Related Incident in Last Year

    Identity-related incidents continue to dominate today's headlines. Clorox, MGM and Caesars fell prey to social engineering, while 23andMe suffered a breach as a result of a hacking method called credential stuffing and UnitedHealth lacked multi-factor authentication (MFA). Although these companies made headlines due to the extent of the breach, today's study revealed that only 10% of respondents didn't have an identity-related incident in the last 12 months, consistent with last year's report. Read Now

  • Report Highlights How People Trick AI Chatbots Into Exposing Company Secrets

    Immersive Labs recently published its “Dark Side of GenAI” report about a Generative Artificial Intelligence (GenAI)-related security risk known as a prompt injection attack, in which individuals input specific instructions to trick chatbots into revealing sensitive information, potentially exposing organizations to data leaks. Based on analysis of Immersive Labs’ prompt injection challenge*, GenAI bots are especially susceptible to manipulation by people of all skill levels, not just cyber experts. Read Now

  • Report Continues to Show Physical Security Moving to Cloud-Based Solutions

    Verkada today shared the results of its 2024 State of Cloud Physical Security report. Based on insights from IT and physical security leaders across various sectors, the findings look at current trends, insights, and challenges within the industry as it transitions from on-premises setups to cloud-based ones. Read Now


New Products

  • HD2055 Modular Barricade

    Delta Scientific’s electric HD2055 modular shallow foundation barricade is tested to ASTM M50/P1 with negative penetration from the vehicle upon impact. With a shallow foundation of only 24 inches, the HD2055 can be installed without worrying about buried power lines and other below grade obstructions. The modular make-up of the barrier also allows you to cover wider roadways by adding additional modules to the system. The HD2055 boasts an Emergency Fast Operation of 1.5 seconds giving the guard ample time to deploy under a high threat situation. 3

  • Automatic Systems V07

    Automatic Systems V07

    Automatic Systems, an industry-leading manufacturer of pedestrian and vehicle secure entrance control access systems, is pleased to announce the release of its groundbreaking V07 software. The V07 software update is designed specifically to address cybersecurity concerns and will ensure the integrity and confidentiality of Automatic Systems applications. With the new V07 software, updates will be delivered by means of an encrypted file. 3

  • EasyGate SPT and SPD

    EasyGate SPT SPD

    Security solutions do not have to be ordinary, let alone unattractive. Having renewed their best-selling speed gates, Cominfo has once again demonstrated their Art of Security philosophy in practice — and confirmed their position as an industry-leading manufacturers of premium speed gates and turnstiles. 3