Networking Security

Holiday Security Tips for Malls or Outdoor Shopping Areas

Holiday Security Tips for Malls or Outdoor Shopping Areas

The holiday shopping season is here, let’s not forget that we are in COVID-19 pandemic and health officials continue to repeat their messages about the importance of masks, adequate social distancing, and frequent handwashing.

Uniting the Physical and the Digital

Uniting the Physical and the Digital

As the Internet of Things (IoT) becomes mainstream, companies are delving into the ramifications of adoption, including its benefits, challenges, and opportunities--not least, the implications to security and cybersecurity.

Deployment During the Pandemic

Deployment During the Pandemic

Prior to the COVID-19 pandemic, the rate of cloud adoption was growing steadily. Since March, however, when “shelter-in-place” orders began sweeping the nation, we’ve seen cloud computing usage skyrocket.

BriefCam Announces Video Analytics Innovation

BriefCam has announced a significant new capability to its product portfolio with v5.6.1 of its innovative and extensible video content analytics platform.

Remote Working and VPN

Remote Working and VPN

In this pandemic of coronavirus, all organizations have shifted from office work to remote work. By saying that, you must have heard about VPNs, and how they improve security and privacy.

Forming Real Bonds

Forming Real Bonds

Artificial intelligence has been in the headlines a lot recently. It will help save mankind or usher in the robot apocalypse, depending on which article you read.

Secure Your Containers

Development and deployment of container-based software has become a popular movement in technology.

Spotting Signs Your IT is Out of Date

This evolution not only keeps the IT department in a constant state of change, but also dramatically changes the way the overall business must adapt to stay competitive.

Taking on Security Automation

Taking on Security Automation

Not only does modern software architecture create a broader attack surface area, the accelerated DevOps methodology makes it harder to detect and remediate vulnerabilities.

Data Privacy Requires a Security Response

Recent hacks into databases of some of the world’s biggest corporations and government organizations put the personal information of billions of people at risk.

Why Are SMBs so Worried?

Why Are SMBs so Worried?

Cloud storage is most used by small-and-medium businesses (SMBs). The reason is that it comes with many benefits for organizations in terms of flexibility and more importantly productivity.

Smart City Technologies

Smart City Technologies

Two of the biggest trends today, particularly in the security surveillance and IoT realms, are border security and the emergence of local governments transforming their communities into smart cities.

Ushering in a New Era

Ushering in a New Era

Privacy issues continue to dominate headlines as the world’s biggest companies are being challenged on the ways they collect and use people’s data. Consumers are growing more concerned about how their activities are being tracked across the web as companies sell information to advertisers for a profit.

Quality Control is Everything

Quality Control is Everything

In today’s world, there are a myriad of different manufacturers that produce similar products and there are so many options available to customers.

Overcoming the Challenges of SecOps Implementation

Overcoming the Challenges of SecOps Implementation

Security Operations shifts security to the left to ensure that security is met at every level, making it both a necessity and a challenge.

Changing the SIEM Game

For many companies, deploying security information and event monitoring (SIEM) technology to strengthen the ability to identify potential security threats has been an unreachable goal.

Advanced VMS and Analytics

The shipping industry is being tasked to improve productivity, increase speed of operations and mitigate risk from new and potentially devastating forms of attack from both external and internal potential threats.

Plan Might Have a Weakness

Plan Might Have a Weakness

Cybersecurity and physical security no longer exist in two different worlds. Each now supports and depends on the other as part of a comprehensive risk and liability management program.

A Word of Caution

A special word of caution needs to be emphasized when changing over to mobile systems. Many legacy access control systems require the use of backend portal accounts.

Five Biggest Security Myths Busted

Five Biggest Security Myths Busted

There are a number of common misconceptions about endpoint security.


  • Maximizing Your Security Budget This Year

    7 Ways You Can Secure a High-Traffic Commercial Security Gate  

    Your commercial security gate is one of your most powerful tools to keep thieves off your property. Without a security gate, your commercial perimeter security plan is all for nothing. Read Now

  • Survey: Only 13 Percent of Research Institutions Are Prepared for AI

    A new survey commissioned by SHI International and Dell Technologies underscores the transformative potential of artificial intelligence (AI) while exposing significant gaps in preparedness at many research institutions. Read Now

  • Survey: 70 Percent of Organizations Have Established Dedicated SaaS Security Teams

    Seventy percent of organizations have prioritized investment in SaaS security, establishing dedicated SaaS security teams, despite economic uncertainty and workforce reductions. This was a key finding in the fourth Annual SaaS Security Survey Report: 2025 CISO Plans and Priorities released today by the Cloud Security Alliance (CSA), the world’s leading organization dedicated to defining standards, certifications, and best practices to help ensure a secure cloud computing environment. Read Now

  • Mobile Applications Are Empowering Security Personnel

    From real-time surveillance and access control management to remote monitoring and communications, a new generation of mobile applications is empowering security personnel to protect people and places. Mobile applications for physical security systems are emerging as indispensable tools to enhance safety. They also offer many features that are reshaping how modern security professionals approach their work. Read Now


New Products

  • Mobile Safe Shield

    Mobile Safe Shield

    SafeWood Designs, Inc., a manufacturer of patented bullet resistant products, is excited to announce the launch of the Mobile Safe Shield. The Mobile Safe Shield is a moveable bullet resistant shield that provides protection in the event of an assailant and supplies cover in the event of an active shooter. With a heavy-duty steel frame, quality castor wheels, and bullet resistant core, the Mobile Safe Shield is a perfect addition to any guard station, security desks, courthouses, police stations, schools, office spaces and more. The Mobile Safe Shield is incredibly customizable. Bullet resistant materials are available in UL 752 Levels 1 through 8 and include glass, white board, tack board, veneer, and plastic laminate. Flexibility in bullet resistant materials allows for the Mobile Safe Shield to blend more with current interior décor for a seamless design aesthetic. Optional custom paint colors are also available for the steel frame. 3

  • A8V MIND

    A8V MIND

    Hexagon’s Geosystems presents a portable version of its Accur8vision detection system. A rugged all-in-one solution, the A8V MIND (Mobile Intrusion Detection) is designed to provide flexible protection of critical outdoor infrastructure and objects. Hexagon’s Accur8vision is a volumetric detection system that employs LiDAR technology to safeguard entire areas. Whenever it detects movement in a specified zone, it automatically differentiates a threat from a nonthreat, and immediately notifies security staff if necessary. Person detection is carried out within a radius of 80 meters from this device. Connected remotely via a portable computer device, it enables remote surveillance and does not depend on security staff patrolling the area. 3

  • QCS7230 System-on-Chip (SoC)

    QCS7230 System-on-Chip (SoC)

    The latest Qualcomm® Vision Intelligence Platform offers next-generation smart camera IoT solutions to improve safety and security across enterprises, cities and spaces. The Vision Intelligence Platform was expanded in March 2022 with the introduction of the QCS7230 System-on-Chip (SoC), which delivers superior artificial intelligence (AI) inferencing at the edge. 3