Wrightstyle’s Jane Embury, the company’s marketing director, looks at how fires can be started accidentally or stupidly.
- By Jane Embury
- Sep 10, 2015
Security powerhouses join forces to achieve rapid market penetration with groundbreaking and disruptive ALPR-based video analytics technology.
User-friendly interface makes it easy to learn, install, operate and maintain the system.
First integrated healthcare facility in the country to provide comprehensive healthcare solution employing advanced medical equipment and professional medical staff.
Integrating with school's existing infrastructure a smart choice especially when used with video surveillance and data systems.
- By Mitchell Kane
- Sep 09, 2015
The flaw could affect up to 200 million users.
- By Matt Holden
- Sep 09, 2015
School district in California taking relationship building to heart.
- By Ginger Hill
- Sep 08, 2015
Capable of capturing and processing both finger vein and fingerprint biometric data simultaneously.
Rewards invention and commercialization of anti-terrorism technologies.
To provide advanced security solution for businesses, education and organizations with lobby and reception security management needs.
Solution ensures support for company’s new and legacy biometric technologies.
The IKS-WR7412 IP dome camera delivers high-definition video in challenging applications.
Membership with Iris by Lowe's smart home solution.
To distribute next generation of wireless, outdoor, battery-powered cameras along with wireless video alarm systems.
Southwestern High School in Shelbyville, Ind., is testing some innovative new security measures to keep kids safe
- By Matt Holden
- Sep 08, 2015
Sci-fi-like, crime-fighting robots act as roaming security guards all across Silicon Valley.
- By Ginger Hill
- Sep 03, 2015
MegaPX ATM Camera delivers sharp megapixel images and compact, no-shift design.
Offers integrators the opportunity to specify more jobs.