Effective customer interaction is a critical factor in any potential sale, and technology plays a huge part in determining success or failure. That's why Monitronics plans a major enhancement this summer to its ground-breaking eContract mobile application with the integration of technology from DocuSign, an acknowledged leader in electronic signature technology.
Over the course of the next three days, you will see, handle and feel many new products. You'll also see many products that have gone through successful upgrades. Where does a person learn how to implement new products and innovations?
- By Ralph C. Jensen
- Apr 15, 2015
For the past month, my work inbox has been filling up with articles and press releases from various companies that contain the words "ISC West 2015," inviting me to visit a booth or attend an event.
- By Ginger Hill
- Apr 14, 2015
Just as it's impossible to experience every part of Disney World in just three days, the same is true when it comes to the "Disney World" of security trade shows, ISC West. With droves and droves of attendees fighting for their place at booth demonstrations, events and presentations, I have developed some tried and true tips and tricks to feel like I have succeeded at ISC West.
- By Ginger Hill
- Apr 14, 2015
The suspect in the North Carolina shooting is a white male.
- By Matt Holden
- Apr 13, 2015
A report outlines 268 different perimeter breaches at airports since 2004
- By Matt Holden
- Apr 10, 2015
With so many business functions becoming integrated through networked devices or systems, it is no wonder that one of the newly re-introduced buzzwords spreading throughout the physical security industry is integrated security services.
- By Cale Dowell
- Apr 10, 2015
Uniquely designed for high-volume, enduring up to 300 commercial washing cycles.
Award proves company’s ability to product technically-superior, esthetically-pleasing optical barriers for facility security.
Companies partner with Lawrence, Massachusetts Police Department to install cameras in police van with secure remote access to live, recorded video.
New products and services will expand offerings for Monitronics Dealer Program.
Software for the Milestone XProtect video management software suite and Milestone Husky NVR Series.
New concept in video and information management, delivering an experience built upon open and intuitive integration, flexible customization, and ease of use.
Teenagers completed a series of challenges using UAS with maneuvers conducted within a Styrofoam mockup of downtown Dayton.
According to authorities, the shooting of an unarmed black man was not capture by the dashboard camera.
- By Matt Holden
- Apr 09, 2015
If you're in Las Vegas a little early next week, the Smart Card Alliance is holding an interesting workshop on Tuesday, April 14 that will focus on smart card use in both the government and business sectors.
- By Brent Dirks
- Apr 09, 2015