Security is more than just the protection of people, companies and their assets; it also is an integral part of a company’s reputation and success.
- By Ryan Strange
- Mar 01, 2012
May 15-18 Verint’s “Road to Certification” roadshows are designed for system integrators who manage, utilize or support the Nextiva VMS platform.
RSA Conference, the world’s leading information security conferences and expositions, recently announced the honorees of its 15th annual awards program.
Though the thief stole thousands of dollars worth of jewelry, the Calderons were just thankful to be alive.
- By Sherleen Mahoney
- Mar 01, 2012
Organizations whose operations span cities, countries and even continents face formidable challenges in their efforts to secure people, property and assets.
- By Debjit Das
- Mar 01, 2012
Come and listen to the story of an Austrian named Glock, He and wife, Helga, made curtain rods in their shop, Then one day he invented a new handgun, And the Austrian army said, “We gotz to have us one.” Glock, that is. Lightweight. Model 17. Well, the first thing you know ol’ Glock’s a billionaire, Kinfolk said, “Gast’, export it away from there!” Said, “USA is the place it oughta be.” So he marketed it abroad to frontline security. The police, that is—needing new fire power.
- By Ronnie Rittenberry
- Mar 01, 2012
Advances in communication technology, trade barriers and production cost reductions have furthered global capital markets and provided new economic opportunities.
- By Ralph C. Jensen
- Mar 01, 2012
Veracode Inc. recently announced the availability of a whitepaper, ‘Outsourcing the problem of software security’, produced by primary research and analysis company, Quocirca.
Many people—even within the security industry—may be surprised to learn how traditional alarm dispatches work. It can be a lengthy process.
- By Megan Weadock
- Mar 01, 2012
Thales, provider of information systems and communications security, recently announced the publication of the 2011 Global Encryption Trends Study.
In order to allow an all-IP-based services platform, service providers are upgrading existing networks and migration strategies.
- By Terence Martin Breslin
- Mar 01, 2012
The Cloud Security Alliance (CSA) recently announced two significant new initiatives for 2012, addressing growing areas of need in cloud security -- mobile computing and innovation.
HID Global recently announced its highly-integrated fraud detection service from its Identity Assurance business, ActivIdentity.
Mission-critical facilities such as data and telecommunications centers must maintain operations without interruption.
- By Kris Cahill
- Mar 01, 2012
The Port of Portland services more than 800 vessel calls each year, accounting for more than 14 million tons of ocean-going cargo.
Among Austin Independent School District’s top-stated values are excellence and the health and safety of its students, and it shows.
- By Judy Jones
- Mar 01, 2012
Mission 500, a charitable organization engaging security professionals to sponsor needy children through the World Vision organization, recently announced the winners of its annual Humanitarian and Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) awards. The awards are designed to honor companies in the security industry who make important contributions to those in need.