More than 370 employees have tested positive for COVID-19 as TSA security screeners experience nearly empty airports due to the pandemic.
- By Haley Samsel
- Apr 15, 2020
Activists and ACLU lawyers succeeded in stopping a six-month trial run of an aerial surveillance program funded by private philanthropists.
- By Haley Samsel
- Apr 13, 2020
The app will make it easier for individuals and public health officials to track the spread of COVID-19, but privacy rights groups are pushing for transparency.
- By Haley Samsel
- Apr 13, 2020
Security services provider continues to fill essential roles during COVID-19 pandemic
Security leaders are investing in advanced technologies like artificial intelligence, biometric solutions and advanced communication networks.
Artificial intelligence has been in the headlines a lot recently. It will help save mankind or usher in the robot apocalypse, depending on which article you read.
- By Dave Mayne
- Apr 09, 2020
Vandalism, graffiti and theft are always major concerns for project managers at a job site, and security guards sometimes are not enough to deter that.
- By Steven Smith
- Apr 09, 2020
Business email compromise attacks continue to be effective, tricking victims into transferring funds to fraudulent accounts.
- By Haley Samsel
- Apr 09, 2020
While CCPA is meant to enhance privacy rights and consumer protection for the residents of California, as with many laws enacted in the state, it will impact most businesses across the country and the rest of the world.
- By Richard Kanadjian
- Apr 09, 2020
On so many levels, the events of September 11, 2001 drastically altered the event security landscape.
- By Corey Meredith
- Apr 09, 2020