The number and breadth of devices that make up the Internet of Things (IoT) continues to grow rapidly, with everything from kitchen appliances to video surveillance and access control systems offering the ability to connect to a network.
- By Ryan Zatolokin
- Sep 01, 2019
We know by now that there is an abundance of business advantages in the cloud — it’s agile and cost-efficient, and, with little to no hardware maintenance, it’s easier to update and perform maintenance on than traditional on-site servers.
A new IT trend–“hyperconvergence”–may hold the key to simplifying this task while also enabling significantly more sophisticated ways to tap the value of data many organizations are already collecting.
- By Eric Bassier
- Sep 01, 2019
Safe cities attract businesses, foster innovation and provide countless opportunities. By working collaboratively, both public and private sectors can contribute to a solid foundation for the success of these great cities and their citizens.
- By Bob Carter
- Sep 01, 2019
Do you want the real bottom line in providing cloud services for video, access control and other integrated services?
- By Martin Renkis
- Sep 01, 2019
The world is quickly urbanizing, and people are flocking from suburbs and rural areas to cities more than ever before.
To ensure continual patient care and remain compliant with regulations, hospitals have well-documented security protocols and deploy technology to ensure those can be executed smoothly, from cybersecurity solutions on the digital side to video surveillance and door scanners, among other tools, on premises.
- By Noah Reiter
- Sep 01, 2019
Security professionals face many challenges in selecting video surveillance systems that address their unique needs.
- By Jeff Whitney
- Sep 01, 2019
The world of outdoor security cameras is changing rapidly, and with it, the need for secure, high-quality camera housing.
- By Kaitlyn DeHaven
- Sep 01, 2019
Technology—from street lights to telephones—has been at the heart of modern cities for more than a century.
- By Kevin Taylor
- Sep 01, 2019