One of the primary criteria for any surveillance, access or security system is the requirement for a consistent and reliable power source, as even the most complex and expensive system solutions will be rendered useless if power is interrupted.
- By JR Andrews
- Apr 01, 2019
In the United States, nearly 20 people per minute are physically abused by an intimate partner, equating to more than 10 million in a single year.
Though traffic and crime are not the only contributing factors that determine a location’s desirability, they are some of the top catalysts that inspire digital transformation within a city.
- By Rich LeCates
- Apr 01, 2019
As cybercrime continues to plague companies of all sizes, across all industries both public and private, we wanted to take this opportunity to explore options that can help protect your data and your business.
- By Rich Aycock
- Apr 01, 2019
Like many metropolitan cities, Hartford, CT has its share of crimes. And solving those crimes usually involves sifting through an overwhelming amount of data.
- By Kevin Taylor
- Apr 01, 2019
The banking market continues to evolve due to the growing use of mobile devices, as more branch operations aim to enhance convenience and service for the customer.
- By Matt Tengwall
- Apr 01, 2019
Securing outdoor assets can be a tricky proposition. For starters, traditional outdoor security systems are expensive.
- By Fredrik Wallberg
- Apr 01, 2019
Video surveillance management is becoming increasingly sophisticated in terms of operational capabilities, including the type and scope of analytics available.
- By Peter Ainsworth
- Apr 01, 2019
Gone are the days of paper-based note-taking and incident reporting, or hiring four guards to cover the role of one. Today’s security companies need to be more efficient and responsive, including being better at scheduling resources.
- By Mark Folmer
- Apr 01, 2019
The breach exposed diagnostic results, healthcare numbers and personal contact information.
- By Sydny Shepard
- Mar 29, 2019