We are pleased to welcome the newest members of the Speco team.
They're setting the new industry standard for quality, features and affordability.
Two females were injured after a man entered the beauty college and open fired. He then shot and killed himself.
Orange County Sheriff’s Office confirmed five people were killed in a workplace violence incident in Orlando, Florida.
Police in London say they used unprecedented amount of force to ensure the London attackers were neutralized in less than ten minutes.
Regional Sales Managers for the Midwest, Southwest, Northeast and Florida Join the Vicon Team
Per Mar Security Services is pleased to announce it has acquired Southlake Security in Griffith, Indiana further expanding its security services and customer base in Northwest Indiana.
Ariana Grande and company are playing a benefit concert to raise funds for the victims of the Manchester Arena bombing. Here’s how they’ll keep it safe.
While many security teams at retailers are concerned about the potential for a big data breach, everyday security threats, like social engineering and shoplifting, are heightened in a world of omni-channel retail.
- By John Carter
- Jun 01, 2017
The Beer Cellar, located in Glen Ellyn Park, Ill., recently transitioned to a new storefront that not only provided expanded business opportunity but also required added safety and security measures in a busy and highly functional space.
- By Larry Chay
- Jun 01, 2017