More than likely, you have witnessed an RFP that includes dated product specifications and, in some cases, multiple product specifications that are more “wish-list” than reality.
- By John Merlino
- Apr 01, 2014
When Rush University Medical Center incorporated wireless electronic locks throughout its new 375-bed-tower hospital building, it made installation easier and more cost-effective while providing greater flexibility to meet future security needs.
- By Karen Keating
- Apr 01, 2014
Dedication…I have been pondering this word since non-morning person, me, booked my flight to ISC West 2014 at 5:30am on March 12, 2014! Oh yes, Starbucks will definitely be my friend as I wake up at 2:15am on Wednesday morning to fly from Dallas to Houston and then from Houston to Las Vegas to make my first appointment of the day at 10:00am.
- By Ginger Hill
- Apr 01, 2014
Nearly everyone is familiar with the standard manned guard booth in which a person sits and allows drivers in and out of a facility; however, border stations, government buildings, military bases and other locales where there can be a “very unwanted guest” all use much highertech security booths.
Wireless transmission is usually a topic that raises many concerns in the security world. It seems common knowledge nowadays that a wireless network can be easily hacked, and private information can end up on the Internet or someone’s identity can be stolen.
- By Cosimo Malesci
- Apr 01, 2014
Reflecting the uniqueness and diversity of the local Queens’ community, for more than 50 years, Queensborough Community College has served students from Queens and the entire New York City region as a starting place to pursue their academic and career goals.
- By Ann Geissler Timme
- Apr 01, 2014
When properly constructed, a cloud infrastructure can offer greater security than a legacy system; however, when poorly constructed, a cloud-based infrastructure introduces risk across the enterprise.
- By Sumeet Sabharwal
- Apr 01, 2014
One might think that a military base is among the most secure places in the country. Unfortunately, though, the sprawling nature of military bases makes them difficult to secure effectively, which leaves these sites vulnerable to a wide range of threats.
- By Dave Tynan
- Apr 01, 2014
Out-of-the-box solution integrates fixed and mobile paging over the IP network.
Showcasing how to extend aptiQ smart cards and NFC-enabled smart phone credentials to diversity of applications.