The five golden rules of developing a strong network security strategy for managing vendor access.
- By Jeff Swearingen
- Feb 04, 2014
Putting security into the eye of the beholder creates a stronger layered security plan.
- By Ginger Hill
- Feb 04, 2014
The one thing consistent about malware attacks is that they continue to change quite a bit as time goes by. Initially, many attacks were unstructured and untargeted, indiscriminately honing in on large numbers of hosts in an attempt to find their vulnerabilities. The outcome of these initial attacks was often simple defacement or destruction of data with very few of the overall volume of these attacks covered in the news.
- By Brian Laing
- Feb 04, 2014
When the final seconds of the Super Bowl play clock had ticked away, the Seattle Seahawks emerged victorious, walking away with a 43 - 8 win and the coveted Vince Lombardi Trophy. Their Super Bowl dreams had come true and they could finally breathe a collective sigh of relief. Amidst a sea of sports fans swarming MetLife Stadium in East Rutherford, New Jersey, the Seahawks were not the only ones exhaling. For the scads of security personnel charged with ensuring the safety of NFL players, fans and the many other people behind the scenes at the first outdoor, cold-weather Super Bowl, the real win was in pulling off the mega sporting event without incident.
As part of its mission to support even more children in need, Mission 500 – having already met its original goal of sponsoring 500 children around the world – is continuing its efforts to assist children in crisis.
Security at the Statue of Liberty has never been taken for granted; it just hasn’t been a top priority of the government. That is not the case with the U.S. Park Police. They have used, to the best of their ability, security equipment that was appropriated but lacked the highest technology.
- By Jamie Friedlander, Ralph C. Jensen
- Feb 01, 2014
There are tens of thousands of bank branches and financial services locations throughout the world. The business environment itself is complex, as it combines elements of high-end commercial services with a frontline, retail component.
- By Joe Pellettiere
- Feb 01, 2014
The cold, brisk wind of December in Dallas attacked my body that was wrapped in a winter’s coat as I stepped out of my vehicle, ready to seize the not-so-ordinary work day ahead of me. A mist filled the air, kissing my cheek with coldness as harsh as death. You see, death was the reason I was here in the first place; yet, this was a place of happiness.
- By Ginger Hill
- Feb 01, 2014
Players Casino requested demos and ultimately selected OnSSI’s Ocularis, using encoders to migrate many of their existing analog cameras to avoid the expense and inconvenience of having to rip and replace every camera. One key factor in the decision for Ocularis was the software’s fast and easy training for both new and seasoned employees.
- By Ken LaMarca
- Feb 01, 2014
Looks like it is just about time for biometrics to make its long awaited debut. Yes, we have seen biometrics for quite some time, and it is true that the impact has been strong in the security world. But, get ready to see biometrics on steroids. It’s coming.
- By Ralph C. Jensen
- Feb 01, 2014