Palmetto Elementary School, in the Orange County Public School (OCPS) District, has been selected as the winner of ASIS International’s School Security Funding Competition. ASIS International (ASIS), the largest organization for security management professionals worldwide, will award the school $20,000 for security improvements.
The U.S. Department of Defense recently unveiled declassified portions of its long-awaited strategy for handling cyberattacks, declaring publicly for the first time that it would treat cyberspace -- just as land, sea, and air -- as an "operational domain."
Imagine scanning a document in search of a specific word or phrase, knowing that missing even a single letter could have disastrous consequences. Now imagine that the document is rescanned a million times every second.
Using a crystal ball to protect homeland security might seem far-fetched, but researchers at Wake Forest University and Fisk University have partnered to develop crystals that can be used to detect nuclear threats, radioactive material or chemical bombs more accurately and affordably.
Samsung Techwin America announces the appointment of Soon Hong Ahn as president of the video surveillance and security products supplier.
IndigoVision’s integrated IP Video surveillance solution is being used to ensure the safety, security and smooth operation of a remote mining complex on the French island of Guadeloupe in the Caribbean.
FICO, provides predictive analytics and decision management technology, recently announced that it will provide analytics-based fraud protection through Bayern Card-Services GmbH, a company of the s-Finanzgruppe.
SafeNet, Inc., an information security company, recently announced the immediate availability of its new mobile device credentialing solution that enables the secure use of consumer mobile devices, including the popular iPhone and iPad, on corporate networks.
Visiongain's latest report entitled "Cloud:Moving into the Realm of an Essential IT Strategy," examines the fast-growing cloud services market.
Spammers today favor compromised accounts for sending spam, gradually shifting distribution away from botnets, Commtouch, a company that provides cloud-based Internet security services, recently reported in its quarterly Internet Threats Trend Report , which covers Web threats, phishing, malware and spam.