Security Products Magazine Digital Edition - December 2014

December 2014

  • Nostalgia has No Place in Video Surveillance
  • 5 Trends Impacting Access Control and the Overall Security Market
  • "Me Too" Products
  • Substation Security Challenges
  • Embracing the Internet of Things
  • Planning for the Future
  • The Truth about Fisheye


“Me Too” Products - Being wise about the products you present to end users

“Me Too” Products

Being wise about the products you present to end users

By Ian Johnston

For manufacturers to play within the commodity space, they need to provide the most features, ease-of-use and the best reliability, camera versus camera.

Never Again

By Ralph C. Jensen

“Station 71, you’re responding to a multi-car, motor vehicle accident.” He silenced his pager and slipped out the back door of the engineering firm where he worked.

Substation Security Challenges

Substation Security Challenges

Applying smart thermal technology to prevent intrusions

By John Romanowich

While the threat of terrorist activity to disrupt the nation’s power grid remains ever-present, other hazards such as theft and vandalism are more common and represent an immediate challenge.

6 Trends Impacting Access Control and the Overall Security Market

6 Trends Impacting Access Control and the Overall Security Market

Increased emphasis placed on interoperability and total cost of ownership in security purchasing decisions

By Jeremy Krinitt

From 4K Ultra HD resolution surveillance cameras to near field communication (NFC) or Bluetooth-enabled access control readers and applications, technology innovation in the security industry runs the gamut.

Nostalgia has No Place in Video Surveillance

Nostalgia has No Place in Video Surveillance

Why IP video will eventually supplant analog technology

By Fredrik Nilsson

When network cameras first appeared on the market in 1996 who could have imagined this fledgling technology ever gaining a toehold in an industry dominated by analog cameras?

Embracing the Internet of Things

Embracing the Internet of Things

Opportunities and implications for security and beyond

By Jeremy Brecher

The machine-to-machine (M2M) movement. The Internet of Things (IoT). The Internet of Everything (IoE). Each term may have its subtle differences, but at their core, they all involve connected devices that share information to enhance their intelligence, capabilities and operation.


Planning for the Future

Planning for the Future

By Ralph C. Jensen

Business planning for 2015 likely started a long time ago. I know it has for the publishing industry, as we keep our editorial calendar upto- date each quarter. It won’t be long before the first quarter of 2016 is updated on our website.

The Truth about Fisheye

The Truth about Fisheye

Dewarping and how to use it

By Thomas Carnevale

As most in the video surveillance industry know, traditional video surveillance cameras have an inherent flaw: blind spots.

New Products

  • Connect ONE’s powerful cloud-hosted management platform provides the means to tailor lockdowns and emergency mass notifications throughout a facility – while simultaneously alerting occupants to hazards or next steps, like evacuation.

    Connect ONE®

    Connect ONE’s powerful cloud-hosted management platform provides the means to tailor lockdowns and emergency mass notifications throughout a facility – while simultaneously alerting occupants to hazards or next steps, like evacuation. 3

  • FEP GameChanger

    FEP GameChanger

    Paige Datacom Solutions Introduces Important and Innovative Cabling Products GameChanger Cable, a proven and patented solution that significantly exceeds the reach of traditional category cable will now have a FEP/FEP construction. 3

  • Compact IP Video Intercom

    Viking’s X-205 Series of intercoms provide HD IP video and two-way voice communication - all wrapped up in an attractive compact chassis. 3