3VR’s New Brand, Corporate Message A Hit At ISC West
The traffic around 3VR’s booth (23026) has not let up for the past two day. Attendees have surrounded the demo stations and seating area, which helped generate further buzz on the show floor. “What’s going on here?” ask attendees who pass by and ultimately stop to find out what the commotion is all about.
The company, the leader in intelligent surveillance and search, unveiled a new brand and corporate message at the show.
First, they have a new logo:
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A new tagline: Video Intelligence Platform
And a new platform: Video Intelligence Platform: The 3VR VIP allows customers to solve crimes faster using fewer resources, protect people and assets, and grow their businesses.
3VR also announced major enhancements to its Video Intelligence Platform [VIP] S-Series appliance. The new appliance now features RAID storage options of up to 2 terabytes, hot swappable hard drive replacement capabilities, easy migration to IP cameras, simple integration to external data systems and the highest possible analog camera resolution. The appliance is designed to operate in confined spaces, such as ATM or retail kiosks, convenience stores and small business offices.
“With a focus on reliability, ease of implementation and a reduced barrier to entry, the new S-Series appliance addresses the budgetary constraints of our customers ,” said Al Shipp, CEO of 3VR, in a press release. “We are focused on making it easy for any organization to gain useful and measurable business benefits – whether related to security, customer service, marketing or operations – from their video surveillance assets.”
Study: Americans Ready for Video Surveillance
3VR also released results of their study that finds more than 60 percent of Americans support the use of video surveillance to deter crime in public areas. Banks (66 percent) and parking lots (62 percent) are where Americans believe video surveillance can make the largest positive security impact, according to the survey of more than 1,900 Americans conducted by Zogby463 last week.
Americans also believe video surveillance is deployed in the majority of public areas – banks (92 percent), government buildings (88 percent), parking lots (87 percent), shopping malls (87 percent) and retail stores (82 percent). And more than 76 percent of Americans expect organizations to work closely with law enforcement to solve crimes that occur on their properties.
“Americans are seeing that video surveillance makes a significant positive impact in the security of public places,” Shipp said in a press release. “However, more and more law enforcement professionals are realizing that the success of video does not rest in just the ability to record. It rests in the ability for law enforcement and security personnel to be able to quickly and accurately search hours and hours of video to find a specific suspect’s face, a license plate or a moment in time, and correlate that video with an all points bulletin or a criminal mug shot.”
Additional findings from the polling included:
- More than 80 percent of those 65 years old and over supported video surveillance use to deter crime while that number fell to just 46 percent for those between the ages of 18 and 29.
- Women (65 percent) are more likely to see video surveillance as a crime deterrent than men (56 percent). At the same time, men (30 percent) were twice as likely to oppose the use of video as a crime deterrent than women (15 percent).
- 61 percent of respondents expect to see video surveillance cameras in hotel lobbies.
And if you’ve ever wondered what 3VR means, find out by clicking: http://tinyurl.com/3bbddwf.