OnSSI Responds to Budgetary Crisis in Schools
In response to the slowly recovering economy and subsequent budgetary cuts in schools, On-Net Security Surveillance Systems Inc. (OnSSI) has chosen to continue its proactive engagement with school systems, and help them purchase needed security products at reduced prices. The company will continue its 2010 promotion, offering significant discounts to schools, universities and other educational institutions on the latest version of its flagship product, Ocularis CS video surveillance and security software platform.
OnSSI recognizes there is nothing more important than helping make sure that children are able to learn in a safe and stable environment. Based on that, and how popular this discount program proved to be, the company plans to continue it through the end of September 2011.
The 40 percent education sales promotion is offered on new Ocularis CS 2.0 systems, as well as on camera licenses for existing Ocularis CS systems. It also enables customers operating other OnSSI software products to upgrade their systems to the latest version of Ocularis, purchase or renew their Software Upgrade Plan, or purchase additional camera licenses.
“We are proud to be able to help make schools safer, while cutting their security costs,” said Gadi Piran, OnSSI's president and chief technology officer. “We have well established relationships with the educational system, and our solutions are particularly well suited to the restricted budgets many now have. Because our software is an active partner in the security process, there is less need for operators, which reduces overall costs.”
Details for the program can be found on the OnSSI Education Solutions page at www.onssi.com/education. The education stimulus discount is available to all K-12 schools, colleges and universities with a minimum $1,000 product order.
Ocularis, OnSSI’s flagship video surveillance and security platform, is a comprehensive video management system that provides real alerts and integrates multiple video content analytics, access control and physical security systems. Ocularis allows organizations of all types and sizes to monitor and control an unlimited number of cameras and detection systems at multiple sites.