Bitzer Mobile Provides Secure Enterprise Workspace for Mobile Devices
In Sunnyvale, CA, Bitzer Mobile Inc. launched Bitzer Enterprise Application Mobility (BEAM) 2.2 for tablets and smart phones, which provides the capability for Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) and Corporate Owned Personally Enabled (COPE) environments.
The infrastructure that delivers BEAM 2.2 provides security for mobile devices that the most stringent CIO demands while delivering a seamless experience for employees. BEAM 2.2 offers six embedded apps (email, calendar, contacts, browser, mobile file manager, and document editor), and the ability to add HTML5 or native apps with the click of a button. These productivity features, combined with secure access, deliver a ‘Secure Enterprise Workspace’ that enables employees to be productive while being away from the office.
Corporate email, calendar and contacts are in the container where email is protected and attachments can’t be leaked. A secure browser gives access to Intranet and the ability to run HTML5 apps with fully encrypted storage and cache. Mobile file manager provides access to a user’s Windows file system or SharePoint documents with off-line document editing capability built in. The Bitzer Containerization Tool allows administrators to easily add any native mobile app to the Secure Enterprise Workspace.
BEAM 2.2 provides new security features such as FIPS140-2 certified encryption as well as support for One Time Password (OTP) tokens for authentication, which is on top of already supported smart card authentication.
"We're delivering the most compelling solution today for security minded companies who are seeking to improve employee productivity and velocity of decision making through mobility,” explained Naeem Zafar, CEO of Bitzer Mobile. "Our support of true Windows Single Sign-On and access with a secure AppTunnel™ sets us apart in this industry. Now with BEAM release 2.2 we have further increased our differentiation."
Bitzer’s approach for app enablement does not require any code change and is a completely scalable solution. Containerization allows an organization to alter policy in real time without having to re-wrap and distribute the app. The user experience is simple and easy where users can move between apps within a trusted workspace without re-authenticating. Due to these advantages, Oracle recently announced that Bitzer will secure its popular Oracle Business Intelligence app for large customers who require enterprise grade security features for corporate apps running on employees’ mobile devices.
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