Fort Lauderdale Police Make First Arrest with Help of Smartwater CSI

Fort Lauderdale Police Department (FLPD) utilized
SmartWater CSI in the arrest of a Fort Lauderdale resident. Caught and charged on Saturday, July 6
th, the burglar was scanned under ultraviolet light at the Fort Lauderdale Police Department, revealed he had SmartWater on his clothing and skin.
“This proves without a doubt that businesses and residents that mark their assets with SmartWater CSI are a step ahead of the criminal element,” stated Logan Pierson, president of SmartWater CSI. “Not only is SmartWater an effective theft deterrent, but more law enforcement agencies are becoming equipped with this forensic coding technology and are using it to capture criminals.”
The Fort Lauderdale Police Department recently introduced SmartWater in the South Middle River neighborhood earlier this year and has recorded a reduction in theft of approximately 35%, and the Riviera Beach Police Department introduced SmartWater to businesses in late June. Smart Water has also been widely used in the UK for the past 16 years and has been credited with more than 1200 convictions.