Small Town Declares Open Season on Drones
- By Ginger Hill
- Jul 19, 2013
Wanted: Hunters.
Where: Colorado.
Why: To hunt drones.
Bounty: $25 or $100.
Deer Park, Colorado is proposing a $100 bounty to any hunter who shoots down unmanned drones that appear to be owned or operated by the United States federal government. Wait…what?! The government? Yep, in this small
town population 546, drone intrusions are seen as acts of war.
After circulating a 6-paged petition stating that drones threaten “traditional American ideas of liberty and freedom,” at the town council meeting on Aug. 6, an ordinance authorizing licensed bounty hunters to shoot down unmanned aircraft for violating its’ “sovereign airspace” will be considered.
If the ordinance passes, all you have to do is simply apply for a one-year, drone-hunting license, pay 25 bucks (yes, I realize a ‘buck’ is a male deer, and we’re talking about hunting) and adhere to the following rules of engagement:
- Hunters must use 12-gauge shotguns, or smaller.
- Hunters must fire lead, steel or depleted uranium ammo.
- Hunters cannot fire at aircraft flying higher than 1,000 ft.
- No rifled barrels allowed.
- No tracer rounds.
- Engagement is limited to 3 shots at an aircraft every 2 hours because, well, if you’re unable to bring down a drone with shots, the petition notes that it “demonstrates a lack of proficiency with the weapon.”
So, if your gun skills are proficient and one of your three bullets manages to grace part of a drone, be sure to gather the wreckage with markings and style consistent with those used by the US federal government, to gather your bounty:
- $25 for wings and fuselage; and
- $100 for a mostly-intact drone.
Not too shabby, huh?
Oh, and be on the lookout for the 1st annual drone-themed, skeet-shooting festival, suggested by the town clerk!
But to me, the irony of it all? The name of the town. “Deer” Park.
About the Author
Ginger Hill is Group Social Media Manager.