Just How Safe and Secure are Inflight Meals
- By Ginger Hill
- Sep 16, 2014
There’s really not much to do on an airplane journey, except read, watch a movie, sleep and one of my most favorite activities, eat.
If you’re like me, paying $12 for 3 crackers and a ¼ cup of hummus is hardly worth the spend, but at times, on some longer flights, I must admit that I have broken down and bought a $5 candy bar. (Snickers really does satisfy.) However, after a recent report raising questions about airline food safety and security, I’m going to think twice about indulging in airline food in the future.
UNITE HERE, a labor union that represents 12,000 airline catering employees in the United States surveyed its members and created a report to send to TSA regarding food security.
According to the report, one in four employees believes an unauthorized person could get into the catering kitchen of an airplane. In fact, airports make it easy, allowing food catering trucks to pull right up to planes on the tarmac to deliver inflight meals.
Gate Gourmet at DFW Airport was specifically mentioned in this report, noting that the company’s facility at the airport does not have a security fence. This leaves unattended catering trucks parked in an open lot, giving access to a secure airport terminal.
The full report can be read here.
About the Author
Ginger Hill is Group Social Media Manager.