Everyone uses the internet. Right now, you’re not only using it to read this article, but also to store tons of personal information. Even things that you may not have put out there yourself are online, through agencies like the US Government Office of Personal Management, insurance companies, and even cheating sites like Ashley Madison. Feel like you’ve seen these companies in the news recently? That’s because they’ve all been recently hacked, exposing the personal information of millions of people.
Some security companies have developed real-time maps showing the origins and targets of hacks being attempted around the world, for anyone who wants to see how real the dangers of the internet actually are (or how necessary it is to buy security products from the companies who created the maps).
Kaspersky, known mainly for anti-virus software, generated a map displaying attempted invasions by malicious software, including common viruses. Of course, while the map is in real time and displays real locations, the information is stripped of all personal data.
Google and Arbor networks have also created a map, which shows DDoS attacks. These attacks normally involve someone taking over an entire network of computers, and then overloading a target by having all of the computers they’ve taken over simultaneously try to access a site, which causes a flood of requests. This can force the target to be taken offline.
Norse, an internet security company that deflects and prevents malign attacks, has developed a map of hackers hitting “honey pots,” or traps designed to catch invasions by hackers. Keep in mind, it is not difficult for a hacker to make the attack look as if it is coming from somewhere other than the hacker’s actual position, so the points on the map are comprised of fake origins, in addition to the fake targets.
FireEye also has a map to give potential customers an idea of how many threats they have to fear. Their map isn’t real-time, but instead tracks communication between networks being targeted by malware and the servers that control them, over the last 30 days.
Check out these maps and see for yourself how dangerous the internet can be (or maybe just how hard security companies are trying to convince you that you need to buy their products)!