Temple Student Uses Target Gift Card to Get Past Security in 9 Buildings
Alyssa Mancuso attempted to get into 13 buildings total
After a female student was attacked on campus in 2014, Temple University expanded the security perimeter. One student took the security measures to task when she used a Target gift card to get through security in multiple buildings on campus, according to a report.
Freshman Alyssa Mancuso noticed security guards on campus were starting to get more relaxed, so she tried getting into the 13 major buildings on campus. Guards are supposed to verify a student’s ID before letting them into buildings, but a couple of the buildings were devoid of any security whatsoever. The guards are employed by AlliedBarton.
A Youtube video shows Mancuso gaining access to Gladfelter Hall, where two security guards let her pass without asking to see her ID.
“The safety of Temple's students, faculty and staff is our top priority, and we want to ensure campus facilities are secure for all who use them,” Charles Leone, Temple’s executive director of public safety, said in an email.
Leon also said the university is looking to add a turnstile system on campus.