Airport and border screening are exempt from the new rules.
- By Matt Holden
- Dec 08, 2014
Protecting on-site assets and facilities by limiting access to buildings, vehicles and pooled assets.
- By Danny Garrido
- Nov 21, 2014
Passengers were stranded for more than an hour after their plane landed.
- By Matt Holden
- Oct 27, 2014
Genetically altered plants and electronic webcams may be the answer to a more serene airport experience.
- By Ginger Hill
- Oct 20, 2014
The President says the issue has a low margin for error in his statement regarding the disease.
- By Matt Holden
- Oct 16, 2014
At least three people spotted al Qaeda hijackers casing security checkpoints at Boston's Logan Airport months before 2001 tragedy.
- By Ginger Hill
- Oct 07, 2014
How can the United States ensure that the millions of visitors who travel to this country with a temporary visa uphold their agreement to leave before it expires, while also enhancing convenience for travelers? Biometrics technology holds the answer. In fact, this technology dramatically lowered cost estimates for U.S. airport exit control systems from $6 to $3 billion in 2008 to $1 billion today.
- By James Albers
- Oct 01, 2014
A man wandered into a secure area via an exit while focused on his iPad.
- By Matt Holden
- Sep 29, 2014
Police say the fire was set by a contract employee and they do not consider it an act of terrorism.
- By Matt Holden
- Sep 26, 2014
Recent report raises questions about airline food safety and security.
- By Ginger Hill
- Sep 16, 2014
The security products company brings its brand of intelligent access control solutions over.
- By Matt Holden
- Sep 11, 2014
Sony Online Entertainment president responds via Twitter to American Airline's plane diversion.
- By Ginger Hill
- Aug 25, 2014
Movie quotes offer great insights and knowledge to enhance the security industry.
- By Ginger Hill
- Aug 13, 2014
Airport responded that the stowaway posed no security threat because she passed TSA screening.
- By Ginger Hill
- Aug 07, 2014
After millions of dollars spent on perimeter security, no alarm sounded and two men were found.
- By Ginger Hill
- Jul 28, 2014
Someone could take home a $15,000 award just for helping to solve the traveler traffic issue at airports.
- By Ginger Hill
- Jul 24, 2014
$1.8 million dollar contract awarded to upgrade Killeen-Fort Hood airport.
Almost 500 knives that fold into the shape of a credit card have been confiscated by TSA.
- By Ginger Hill
- Jul 22, 2014
Achieves return on investment in only 9 months.
BUK is the suspected culprit behind this plane crash over the Ukraine-Russia border.
- By Ginger Hill
- Jul 17, 2014
Agency releases statement of recently confiscated items during airport security checks.
- By Matt Holden
- Jul 15, 2014
SAFE for Aviation helps Brazil accommodate anticipated spike in travelers for the 2014 World Cup and 2016 Summer Olympics.
Intelligence officials concerned about new al-Qaida effort to create a bomb that would go through airport security undetected.
Do you remember that one hotel you’ve stayed at during the course of your travels? You remember the one I’m talking about; it looked good on the outside, but inside, there was no security. It sort of left you feeling weak in the knees hoping nothing bad would happen.
- By Ralph C. Jensen
- Jun 27, 2014
Globally, air cargo security costs are estimated to be $8.5 billion annually as the focus on physical security best practices has increased dramatically since 9/11. In fact, in 2006, the vulnerability of air cargo security was exposed when a terrorist plot was foiled in Yemen.
- By Manish Dalal
- Jun 01, 2014
The agency released a 26-page report after an internal review that followed the fatal shooting of an employee in November 2013 at LAX.
Two passengers who boarded disappearing Malaysia Airlines jet with stolen passports could have been identified by authorities within seconds possibly minutes.
- By Ginger Hill
- Mar 13, 2014
Using intelligent technology to manage growth.
TSA has "scientifically proven" method to help the airport security line a little more bearable; do you agree with it?
- By Ginger Hill
- Jan 15, 2014
How video analytics can play a big role in airport security and operations.
- By Anthony Incorvati
- Jan 07, 2014
Most-read articles of 2103 are about airport security, iPhones, social media, guns, TSA, Android and Homeland Security.
- By Ginger Hill
- Jan 06, 2014
Contrary to popular belief, they do more than simply make you throw away your water bottles.
Officers at security exits could be replaced as unmanned portals are acting as a barrier at some airports.
- By Ginger Hill
- Dec 02, 2013
TSA agents have had their share of troubles and missteps, but what organization hasn’t? The one thing they don’t deserve is another person shooting at them as they work on the front lines of airport security.
- By Ralph C. Jensen
- Dec 01, 2013
Government agency leaves identifying terrorists to chance.
- By Ginger Hill
- Nov 13, 2013
Currently, FAA has issued a ground stop for flights coming into LAX.
- By Ginger Hill
- Nov 01, 2013
About five years ago, the Indianapolis Airport Authority pulled up stakes and moved to the other side of the city’s airfield with new facilities and new security systems.
- By Ralph C. Jensen
- Nov 01, 2013
In a highly-diversified and complex age of security, our armed forces provide the one fundamental security measure shared by every citizen in the United States: keeping American civilians out of harm’s way and allowing us to enjoy freedom.
- By Kent Jacocks
- Nov 01, 2013
Interesting Fact: If an airline has a traveler’s passport number on file, it is required to share it with TSA, even for domestic flights.
- By Ginger Hill
- Oct 22, 2013
As recent events in Kenya have shown, both fire and terrorist attacks are potent threats to be assessed and comprehensively guarded against. With regular rehearsals, it can be ensured that response teams can adequately deal with any emergency.
- By Jane Embury
- Oct 18, 2013