
campaign signs

Technology Companies Sign On To Offer Free or Discounted Cybersecurity Services to Campaigns

Seventeen companies, including Microsoft and Cloudflare, are offering security assistance to federal campaigns that often cannot afford the services themselves.

Ifrah Yousuf graphic of computer

Cyber-Insurance Rates Soaring Thanks to Rise in High-Cost Ransomware Attacks

Insurers have made “dramatic” increases in premiums for cyber-insurance and are considering lowering the ransom amounts they will pay.

iowa democratic party

Despite Hacking Threats, Iowa and Nevada Democratic Caucuses Will Use Mobile Apps to Tally Votes

Party leaders say they have taken steps to protect cybersecurity and that there will be paper records to verify each vote for the final results.

maryland state house

Ransomware Possession Would Become A Crime In Maryland Under Proposed Legislation

Lawmakers are trying to deter would-be hackers from carrying out cyber attacks that have paralyzed companies, hospital systems and local governments, including Baltimore’s city government.

Report: Rise Of “Conversation-Hijacking” Phishing Attacks Threatens Businesses

Because the technique involves impersonating a trusted employee, the hacking method has the potential to be unusually effective.

brain scan

More Than One Billion Medical Images Remain Unprotected On The Web

Some security experts and lawmakers have criticized the Department of Health and Human Services for failing to enforce privacy laws and fine organizations that did not protect patient records.

2020 computing

The IoT Rundown For 2020: Stats, Risks, and Solutions

Weak passwords, insecure network services and a lack of secure update mechanisms top the list of risks for companies utilizing IoT technology.

capitol hill

New Bill Would Update Children’s Online Privacy Law In Wake Of YouTube, TikTok Controversies

The bipartisan measure would allow parents to delete information collected by companies about their kids and raise the age of parental consent protection from 13 to 16.

TikTok app

TikTok Fixes Cybersecurity Flaws That Could Have Allowed Hackers to Upload, Delete Videos

Following the disclosure of several security issues, TikTok issued a patch to ensure that user privacy was protected.

fbi seal

FBI Warns U.S. Companies About Recent Scourge of “Maze” Ransomware Attacks

The advisory warned businesses about cyber attacks featuring cryptocurrency sites and spam campaigns impersonating government agencies.

cloud computing

Leverage the Cloud for Event Security

Technology advances have made security and access management more efficient.

department of homeland security flag

DHS Warns of Iran’s Potential To Retaliate With Cyber Attacks, Terrorist Acts After Soleimani Killing

The department warned in an alert that Iran has a “robust cyber program” and can carry out attacks to temporarily disrupt critical infrastructure.

ring doorbell camera

Ring Responds to Hacking Reports With New Privacy Options In Mobile App

The company has faced complaints, and a lawsuit, from customers that hackers were able to take over accounts and speak to children through the doorbell camera’s speaker.

2020 logo

A New Decade Means A New Frontier in Technology and Security

Can we imagine a new decade in which we protect our privacy and security while still maintaining innovation and freedom online?

facial recognition system

Majority of Facial Recognition Systems Are Less Accurate For People of Color, Federal Study Finds

Native Americans had the highest rates of false positives, while African-American women were most likely to be misidentified in a law enforcement database.

ring doorbell camera

Ring Faces Intense Scrutiny After Reports That Thousands of Users’ Information Was Leaked Online

The security camera company owned by Amazon says that there was not a breach of its servers and blame the issue on lax cybersecurity practices by users.

child smart watch

Millions of Children-Tracking Smartwatches Are At Risk Of Being Hacked

New findings by security firm Pen Test Partners reveal that 47 million devices worldwide could be exposed and tracked thanks to a strikingly insecure cloud platform.

dark twitter screen

Hackers Targeted Epilepsy Foundation With Strobe Lights Aiming to Induce Seizures

The foundation has reported at least 30 incidents that targeted their Twitter account and followers last month with GIFs and videos of harmful strobe lights.

christmas shopping

Don’t Let ‘Christmas Phishing’ Ruin Your Holiday Season

As shoppers try to find deals in time to put presents under the tree, phishing campaigns are making it more difficult for consumers to tell if a website is naughty or nice.

orbitz site

Orbitz and Expedia Reach $110,000 Settlement with Pennsylvania AG Over 2017 Data Breach

The travel companies were fined for lax data security practices that potentially led to a breach affecting 880,000 payment cards globally.


  • Maximizing Your Security Budget This Year

    7 Ways You Can Secure a High-Traffic Commercial Security Gate  

    Your commercial security gate is one of your most powerful tools to keep thieves off your property. Without a security gate, your commercial perimeter security plan is all for nothing. Read Now

  • Survey: Only 13 Percent of Research Institutions Are Prepared for AI

    A new survey commissioned by SHI International and Dell Technologies underscores the transformative potential of artificial intelligence (AI) while exposing significant gaps in preparedness at many research institutions. Read Now

  • Survey: 70 Percent of Organizations Have Established Dedicated SaaS Security Teams

    Seventy percent of organizations have prioritized investment in SaaS security, establishing dedicated SaaS security teams, despite economic uncertainty and workforce reductions. This was a key finding in the fourth Annual SaaS Security Survey Report: 2025 CISO Plans and Priorities released today by the Cloud Security Alliance (CSA), the world’s leading organization dedicated to defining standards, certifications, and best practices to help ensure a secure cloud computing environment. Read Now

  • Mobile Applications Are Empowering Security Personnel

    From real-time surveillance and access control management to remote monitoring and communications, a new generation of mobile applications is empowering security personnel to protect people and places. Mobile applications for physical security systems are emerging as indispensable tools to enhance safety. They also offer many features that are reshaping how modern security professionals approach their work. Read Now


New Products

  • Mobile Safe Shield

    Mobile Safe Shield

    SafeWood Designs, Inc., a manufacturer of patented bullet resistant products, is excited to announce the launch of the Mobile Safe Shield. The Mobile Safe Shield is a moveable bullet resistant shield that provides protection in the event of an assailant and supplies cover in the event of an active shooter. With a heavy-duty steel frame, quality castor wheels, and bullet resistant core, the Mobile Safe Shield is a perfect addition to any guard station, security desks, courthouses, police stations, schools, office spaces and more. The Mobile Safe Shield is incredibly customizable. Bullet resistant materials are available in UL 752 Levels 1 through 8 and include glass, white board, tack board, veneer, and plastic laminate. Flexibility in bullet resistant materials allows for the Mobile Safe Shield to blend more with current interior décor for a seamless design aesthetic. Optional custom paint colors are also available for the steel frame. 3

  • AC Nio

    AC Nio

    Aiphone, a leading international manufacturer of intercom, access control, and emergency communication products, has introduced the AC Nio, its access control management software, an important addition to its new line of access control solutions. 3

  • Luma x20

    Luma x20

    Snap One has announced its popular Luma x20 family of surveillance products now offers even greater security and privacy for home and business owners across the globe by giving them full control over integrators’ system access to view live and recorded video. According to Snap One Product Manager Derek Webb, the new “customer handoff” feature provides enhanced user control after initial installation, allowing the owners to have total privacy while also making it easy to reinstate integrator access when maintenance or assistance is required. This new feature is now available to all Luma x20 users globally. “The Luma x20 family of surveillance solutions provides excellent image and audio capture, and with the new customer handoff feature, it now offers absolute privacy for camera feeds and recordings,” Webb said. “With notifications and integrator access controlled through the powerful OvrC remote system management platform, it’s easy for integrators to give their clients full control of their footage and then to get temporary access from the client for any troubleshooting needs.” 3