
Data Breach Exposes Data of Thousands of Medical Marijuana Patients

Data Breach Exposes Data of Thousands of Medical Marijuana Patients

The breach exposed diagnostic results, healthcare numbers and personal contact information.

Change Your Facebook Password Now

Change Your Facebook Password Now

Everyone should be changing their Facebook passwords after it was discovered all use passwords have been left unencrypted and searchable in plaintext.

2FA Immune Phishing Attacks Are on the Rise

2FA Immune Phishing Attacks Are on the Rise

2FA is more secure than single-factor methods only requiring a password, but it's not an impenetrable method.

How to Troubleshoot a DNS Leak

How to Troubleshoot a DNS Leak

DNS leaks can be a surprisingly common issue and are often only noticed when actively looked for.

Facebook Stored Hundreds of Millions of Passwords Unencrypted

Facebook Stored Hundreds of Millions of Passwords Unencrypted

Facebook stored “hundreds of millions” of account passwords unencrypted and viewable as plain text to tens of thousands of company employees, KrebsonSecurity reported Thursday.

Insider Threats: How to Stop the Most Common and Damaging Security Risk You Face

Insider Threats: How to Stop the Most Common and Damaging Security Risk You Face

Since each insider threat is very different, preventing them is challenging.

Being Unprepared is Not an Option

Being Unprepared is Not an Option

What does the future hold for audit and compliance?

Equifax Tells Canadians to do More to Protect their Data

Equifax Tells Canadians to do More to Protect their Data

Despite their new image as a failed cybersecurity company, Equifax is warning Canadians to do more to protect their data.

Security Staff Are Adopting Biometrics But Can Do More to Eliminate the Password

Security Staff Are Adopting Biometrics But Can Do More to Eliminate the Password

A survey found that security professionals are making the move to biometrics, but that they could be doing more to protect data.

Congress Introduces Bill to Improve IoT Security

Congress Introduces Bill to Improve IoT Security

The Internet of Things Cybersecurity Improvement Act aims to establish a bare minimum of security standards for IoT devices used by the federal government

Three Million Vehicles Vulnerable After Security Flaw Found in Car Alarms

Three Million Vehicles Vulnerable After Security Flaw Found in Car Alarms

Vulnerabilities found in two different car alarms left three million vehicles susceptible to hijack globally.

New System Uses Machine Learning to Scan Tweets for Security Flaws

New System Uses Machine Learning to Scan Tweets for Security Flaws

Machine learning and Twitter could be the future of catching security flaws and vulnerabilities early.

Facebook Announces Plans to Pivot toward Privacy

Facebook Announces Plans to Pivot toward Privacy

“I believe the future of communication will increasingly shift to private, encrypted services where people can be confident what they say to each other stays secure and their messages and content won't stick around forever. This is the future I hope we will help bring about,” Zuckerberg wrote.

Google Chrome Vulnerability: Here

Google Chrome Vulnerability: Here's How to Fix It

Google has discovered a Zero-Day Vulnerability [CVE-2019-5786] that is being exploited by bad actors. If you are a Chrome user, you are at risk. Make sure your browser has been updated to the latest patched version [72.0.3626.121], which fixes the vulnerability.

Chinese Hackers Reportedly Targeted 27 Universities

Chinese Hackers Reportedly Targeted 27 Universities

The cyberattacks focused on universities that either studied underwater technology or had faculty with relevant backgrounds, according to reports.

Verizon Report Explores the World of Insider Threats

Verizon Report Explores the World of Insider Threats

Verizon takes its Data Breach Investigations Report and refocuses on Insider Threat reports.

Facebook Accused of Misusing the Phone Numbers

Facebook Accused of Misusing Phone Numbers

Facebook users have found that a phone number they added to their account for the sole purpose of two-factor authentication can be used to look up their account by advertisers and strangers.

Tips for Conducting a Personal Online Security Audit to Protect Yourself from Threats This Year

Tips for Conducting a Personal Online Security Audit to Protect Yourself from Threats This Year

What can you do to protect your personal data in 2019?

How to Offer Mobile Convenience While Keeping Health Data Secure

How to Offer Mobile Convenience While Keeping Health Data Secure

The solution isn’t to be afraid of mobile in healthcare

Looking Beyond the Hype

Looking Beyond the Hype

The past few years have seen significant advancements in computing power. With this, machines seem to have a greater ability to learn about us and participate in our lives.


  • Maximizing Your Security Budget This Year

    7 Ways You Can Secure a High-Traffic Commercial Security Gate  

    Your commercial security gate is one of your most powerful tools to keep thieves off your property. Without a security gate, your commercial perimeter security plan is all for nothing. Read Now

  • Survey: Only 13 Percent of Research Institutions Are Prepared for AI

    A new survey commissioned by SHI International and Dell Technologies underscores the transformative potential of artificial intelligence (AI) while exposing significant gaps in preparedness at many research institutions. Read Now

  • Survey: 70 Percent of Organizations Have Established Dedicated SaaS Security Teams

    Seventy percent of organizations have prioritized investment in SaaS security, establishing dedicated SaaS security teams, despite economic uncertainty and workforce reductions. This was a key finding in the fourth Annual SaaS Security Survey Report: 2025 CISO Plans and Priorities released today by the Cloud Security Alliance (CSA), the world’s leading organization dedicated to defining standards, certifications, and best practices to help ensure a secure cloud computing environment. Read Now

  • Mobile Applications Are Empowering Security Personnel

    From real-time surveillance and access control management to remote monitoring and communications, a new generation of mobile applications is empowering security personnel to protect people and places. Mobile applications for physical security systems are emerging as indispensable tools to enhance safety. They also offer many features that are reshaping how modern security professionals approach their work. Read Now


New Products

  • Camden CV-7600 High Security Card Readers

    Camden CV-7600 High Security Card Readers

    Camden Door Controls has relaunched its CV-7600 card readers in response to growing market demand for a more secure alternative to standard proximity credentials that can be easily cloned. CV-7600 readers support MIFARE DESFire EV1 & EV2 encryption technology credentials, making them virtually clone-proof and highly secure. 3

  • Connect ONE’s powerful cloud-hosted management platform provides the means to tailor lockdowns and emergency mass notifications throughout a facility – while simultaneously alerting occupants to hazards or next steps, like evacuation.

    Connect ONE®

    Connect ONE’s powerful cloud-hosted management platform provides the means to tailor lockdowns and emergency mass notifications throughout a facility – while simultaneously alerting occupants to hazards or next steps, like evacuation. 3

  • Compact IP Video Intercom

    Viking’s X-205 Series of intercoms provide HD IP video and two-way voice communication - all wrapped up in an attractive compact chassis. 3