A federal judge granted a temporary restraining order to have a website selling fake vaccine kits shut down immediately.
- By Haley Samsel
- Mar 24, 2020
- By Ralph C. Jensen
- Mar 24, 2020
MCM Integrated Systems named Sielox National Certified Integrator of the Year for 21st consecutive year
New product is designed for easy interconnection of automatic doors
Businesses will have to tackle issues with supply chains and staffing in the coming months. Here’s how to make sure your organization can withstand the COVID-19 crisis.
- By Tim Rawlins
- Mar 23, 2020
The attacks, which targeted NutriBullet’s official website, were acknowledged by the company but it’s not clear whether affected customers will be notified.
- By Haley Samsel
- Mar 20, 2020
Security companies are updating their technology to recognize people wearing masks and measure temperatures, showing how facial recognition could become widely sought as a global security solution.
- By Haley Samsel
- Mar 20, 2020
The U.S. and tech companies are contemplating a similar step, though the American version of cell phone tracking would likely include aggregated data and more privacy protections.
- By Haley Samsel
- Mar 19, 2020
HHS officials said no personal data was accessed and the attack was not successful. But it could be a sign of things to come during the coronavirus pandemic.
- By Haley Samsel
- Mar 18, 2020
In a memo to attorney’s offices across the country, William Barr said that federal law enforcement should prioritize investigating and prosecuting crimes related to the pandemic.
- By Haley Samsel
- Mar 18, 2020
In response to the growing concerns around the spread of coronavirus in the U.S., the Transportation Security Administration said that passengers can bring hand sanitizer containers up to 12 ounces in size.
- By Haley Samsel
- Mar 17, 2020
Rob Etmans takes over after working for Continental integration partner in Wisconsin area
After the DHS did not respond to a January request for documents on how it is deploying facial recognition, the ACLU is now seeking legal recourse.
- By Haley Samsel
- Mar 16, 2020
Chinese manufacturer DJI, which accounts for about 70 percent of the global drone market, stands to lose the most from a ban, which is based on national security concerns.
- By Haley Samsel
- Mar 13, 2020
The original show was postponed in March due to concerns over the coronavirus (COVID-19) crisis that has spread globally.
- By Haley Samsel
- Mar 13, 2020
Lars Thinggaard will leave the company in April and promote his new book
After airport security screeners called for the government to provide N95 respirators instead of surgical masks, the CDC has begun to make them “optional” for those employees.
- By Haley Samsel
- Mar 11, 2020
Americans need to be on the lookout for malicious domains created by scammers as well as widespread disinformation and conspiracy theories being spread online.
- By Haley Samsel
- Mar 10, 2020