The state is only one of a few not to have a statewide law regulating how police body camera footage is maintained and released to the public.
- By Haley Samsel
- Feb 10, 2020
Colorado company elevates vice president to director position
Open-source software isn’t a completely chaotic and breached wasteland of vulnerabilities. It’s a global effort to make the development lifecycle faster.
- By Gilad David Maayan
- Feb 10, 2020
At a Thursday hearing, Rep. Bennie Thompson said he is not on a “moratorium route” but supports regulation of the software, which has been found to have accuracy issues for people of color.
- By Haley Samsel
- Feb 07, 2020
Fenner, a SIA Board of Directors Member and Committee Chair, will be honored at ISC West 2020
A cybersecurity firm conducted basic testing on the top 100 airports’ public websites and mobile apps. No U.S. airports passed it, and only three European airports did.
- By Haley Samsel
- Feb 06, 2020
Larocca will lead the company’s 700 employees across its Security, Control, Access and Digital Health business units
McAfee’s survey of 13 states considered “critical” in the presidential election found that 83 percent lacked .GOV validation, which verifies websites as being run by official local governments.
- By Haley Samsel
- Feb 05, 2020
The two men, who worked for Coalfire Labs, were caught up in a miscommunication between local law enforcement and the Iowa judicial branch, which hired the security firm to conduct testing.
- By Haley Samsel
- Feb 04, 2020
In 2019, TSA officers detected 4,432 firearms in carry-on baggage or on passengers, breaking the record set in 2018.
- By Haley Samsel
- Feb 03, 2020
Lupo comes to DICE Corporation from Kent Technologies in Miami, Florida
The award recognizes individuals for excellence in leading SIA committees and advancing member objectives
For organizations that wish to monitor their premises, video surveillance is most often the first solution they think of.
- By Chris Wildfoerster
- Feb 01, 2020
Today’s airports are bigger and more inviting than ever before. With so many people moving through them as well as an increasingly wide array of services on offer, they can start to feel like miniature cities.
- By David Lenot
- Feb 01, 2020
The new IEEE802.3bt PoE standard, also often referred to as PPoE or 4-Pair PoE, is a game-changing solution for powering 12VDC and 24VDC access control and related devices.
- By Ronnie Pennington
- Feb 01, 2020
One thing for certain this new year will be the advancement of technology. This is an ongoing phenomenon that brings new developments and solutions, and introduces completely new additions to the security industry.
- By Ralph C. Jensen
- Feb 01, 2020
Artificial Intelligence (AI) continues to be a hot topic in the security industry. While true AI (a computer’s ability to think and act like a human) is still decades away, subsets of AI such as deep learning and machine learning have enabled computers to make significant strides.
- By Thomas Cook
- Feb 01, 2020
The security industry is being pressed to do more with less while dealing with the compounded issue of managing new internal and external threats on a daily basis.
- By Alex Asnovich
- Feb 01, 2020