Empresa Eléctrica de Guatemala (EEGSA Group) required a video surveillance system that could digitize the security footage on its substations to help avoid damage to its own infrastructure as well as electrocution hazards for people trying to access these places without warning or authorization.
- By Courtney Pedersen
- Feb 01, 2018
I read a recent news story I wanted to share and make aware of the ramifications. After nearly disappearing in the 1990s, the spread of child sexual abuse material exploded with the rise of the internet, while child sex trafficking increased with exposure to a greater market online. Today, the problem is complex and still growing.
- By Ralph C. Jensen
- Feb 01, 2018
Operating in more than 4,000 buildings, one of the largest U.S. banks could not keep up with the onboarding and off-boarding of 300,000-plus employees, contractors, vendors and visitors.
- By Kim Rahfaldt
- Feb 01, 2018
Like it or not, every time you spend time on the keyboard, there may be someone watching your every keystroke. It wouldn’t hurt if you knew your enemy; and it certainly would be beneficial if you knew who was on your side.
- By Ralph C. Jensen
- Feb 01, 2018
Information security is defined as a reactive activity, as it involves managing risks that may have a serious effect on the organization if they occur.
- By Csaba Krasznay
- Feb 01, 2018
Energy security, access to the electrical grid and police and fire safety are just a handful of the networked services that we take for granted and rely upon on a daily basis.
- By Jonathan Lewit
- Feb 01, 2018
Data storage is becoming a hot topic in the video surveillance industry and gaining more attention as retention periods continue to increase.
- By Eric Polet
- Feb 01, 2018
Making changes to an existing product is more than adding a tweak here and a new feature there.
- By Bruce Czerwinski
- Feb 01, 2018
Standalone systems, where certain access points are equipped with card readers but are not connected to a larger network, can provide a cost-effective access control solution.
- By Gordon Holmes
- Feb 01, 2018
The President’s Award recognizes those employees who made a noticeable, significant impact to its organization in 2017.
The Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) agency has officially gained agency-wide access to a nationwide license plate recognition database.
- By Jessica Davis
- Jan 31, 2018
The President's national security team is looking at options to counter the threat of China spying on U.S. phone calls.
- By Sydny Shepard
- Jan 31, 2018
Japanese bitcoin exchange, Coincheck, is inspecting its cryptocurrency exchanges following $534 million theft.
- By Sydny Shepard
- Jan 30, 2018
Strava fitness app included a heat map of movement in their newest application upgrade which could be used against military bases.
- By Sydny Shepard
- Jan 30, 2018
Negotiations begin next month, and union leaders will also bring a request for panic buttons on behalf of the more than 14,000 housekeepers working on the Strip and in Vegas' downtown area. The goal of the wireless devices, which alert managers if workers are attacked, is to prevent sexual assault.
- By Jessica Davis
- Jan 29, 2018
Facebook as hired a former White House official as its first head of cybersecurity policy.
- By Sydny Shepard
- Jan 26, 2018
Smartphone application to help with security efforts during the Super Bowl.
- By Sydny Shepard
- Jan 26, 2018
CSLS now offers a product contest for safety and security products found on campuses.
- By Sydny Shepard
- Jan 25, 2018